Supernatural and Merlin recs

Feb 08, 2009 20:33

Too busy to read and rec = something seriously wrong in my world. The state of the fannishness:
  • Supernatural still my first love, both the show and the fandom.
  • Merlin is absolutely adorable.
  • Being Human (now that I'm getting over the recasting) is looking interesting.
  • Battlestar Galactica still the most grimly depressing yet hypnotic thing I've ever watched.
  • Avatar ate my life until I'd seen it all
Supernatural: Gen (2) Slash (4)

Missus a Deo by Kroki-refur (Dean, Sam, John, Mary) PG-13
11,509. Rich and complicated AU tag to 4x03.
In October 2008, Mary Winchester ,opens the door to something that looks like her son but isn't.
Supernatural, Gen, Kroki_refur, AU, Angst, Timetravel, Rating:PG-13, Year:2009, Month:02, wordcount:10k+

But I Ain't Got Wings by Vorpalblades (Castiel) PG-13
1,750. interesting and funny.
Castiel only inhabits the vessel according to his need, and the holy tax accountant, a pious man, keeps waking up in compromising and confusing situations.
Supernatural, Gen, Vorpalblades, Rating:PG-13, Year:2009, Month:01, wordcount:1k+

But For The by Kellifer-fic (Sam/Dean) PG-13
4,300. Sam in an alternate world where Dean has a mom and a dad but no Sam. He's a different guy but still utterly Dean.
You’re sitting on your ass in an alternate universe, kiddo. Want to revise your thinkin’ on what’s not possible?
Supernatural, Slash, Wincest, Sam/Dean, Kellifer_fic, Rating:PG-13, Year:2009, Month:01, Wordcount:1k+

Ascalon by Candle-beck (Sam/Dean) PG-13
9,350. The boys hunt a dragon and things get a little weird.
You love Dean because you're fucked up. You're fucked up because you love Dean. Being fucked up and loving Dean are the same thing. Until at last, inevitably: the manner in which you love Dean is fucked up.
Supernatural, Slash, Wincest, Sam/Dean, Candle_beck, First-time, Rating:PG-13, Year:2009, Month:01, wordcount:5k+

The perfect number - a fairytale by not-refined (Sam/Dean) R
3,830. Beautifully crafted transgender Dean.
Once upon a time there was a little boy named Deanna Winchester.
Supernatural, Slash, Wincest, Sam/Dean, Not-refined, AU, Genderfuck, Angst, Rating:R, Year:2009, Month:01, wordcount:1k+

Where We Ought To Be by Keefaq (Sam/Dean) PG
8,326. Strong outsider POV voice telling the story of some guy called Dean who turns up unexpectedly. Lovely.
Supernatural, Slash, Wincest, Sam/Dean, Keefaq, AU, Futurefic, Amnesia, OutsiderPOV, Apocalypse, Rating:PG-13, Year:2008, Month:12, wordcount:5k+

Merlin: Gen (1) Slash (4)

Meteorology by Mercurial_wit (Arthur, Merlin) PG-13
4,596. Arthur through Merlin's eyes - just lovely.
Merlin, Gen, Mercurial-wit, Rating:PG-13, Year:2008, Month:11, wordcount:1k+

Woke Up New by Zee (Arthur/Merlin) NC-17
22,083. Merlin and Arthur switch bodies; complications ensue.
Merlin, Slash, Arthur/Merlin, Zee, Bodyswap, Rating:NC-17, Year:2009, Month:01, Wordcount:20k+

Past Imperfect by Thehoyden (Arthur/Merlin) NC-17
2,326. Adorable time travel story.
Arthur opened his eyes to find Merlin staring at him. "Something is very, very wrong here," Merlin said in a hushed tone. "I'll say," Arthur grumbled. "You're on my pillow."
Merlin, Slash, Arthur/Merlin, Thehoyden, Timetravel, Rating:NC-17, Year:2008, Month:11, wordcount:1k+

Quickening days by Mercurial_wit (Arthur/Merlin) R
22,174. Delightful time loop story with bonus cross-dressing and cruelty to crockery.
Merlin, Slash, Arthur/Merlin, Mercurial-wit, Angst, Humour, First-time, Crack, Genderfuck, time!loop, Rating:R, Year:2008, Month:12, Wordcount:20k+

Onfindan by Astolat (Arthur/Merlin) R
15,827 Arthur and Merlin start a 'beheaded monster' collection and a beautiful relationship.
Merlin, Slash, Arthur/Merlin, Astolat, Angst, Humour, First-time, Futurefic, Romance, Rating:R, wordcount:10k+

fandom:merlin, fandom:supernatural, fandom:recs

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