aaaaaand another update from moi.
1: Find the lyrics to your favorite song
2: Go to
http://babelfish.altavista.com3: Run the song through the English to Japanese translator.
4: Copy it and then run it through the translator again, this time from Japanese to English.
5: Post the song (title and performer included please) along with these directions in your own journal.
Savage Garden (who, btw, when the lead singer of which 'married' his bf, my friend Amy CRIED. With grief. And, being the good friend that I am, I lol'd. I lol'd Right In Her Face).
So, Savage Garden - Affirmation.
I the sun us to the people whom
I believe as for the grass being burnt the fact that it is not green on the opposite side which I believe,
believe directly in me, until it becomes, it is something which believes me who reset the fact that it cannot recognize
substantial love obtains and believe that the best work where your parent where independently
I believe カルマ had known those which are given is done is possible to being that is bad your because of me
I as for the magazine of beauty me believe that makes our happiness that junk food taste rower, promote low pride how do I?
believe believe
It does completely, me with by my the way if until you call,
rather than the money or the gold me believing that as for me who believe that not knowing those which it has the time
I never should not make the fact that it is loved argument,
as for only ones as for struggle free my for the public finance which is the large magnate who advocates meaning unfairness it believes and is as for many families as for your attractive feature which is value as for the mind
which is your center rather than me monogamy me believing that it believes,
importance reliance controls your sex which I who am believe, or chooses It believes that it cannot do thing,
as for me カルマ as for the grass you burning the fact that it is not green on the opposite side which I believe,
it believes directly in me,
until it becomes,
the way if until you call,
me who reset the fact that it cannot recognize substantial love
it is something which believes that those which it has are not known and obtains
and as for me who as for me who believe those which are given the permission the God
which believes that it is the key as for the happiness which does not endorse to evangelists of TV
where I believe the death of love continuance eternally
believe the necessity which is taken clothing because it is I to your unhappiness which wedded
I believe and deny カルマ
The grass being burnt the fact that it is not green on the opposite side which I believe,
believes directly in me, until it becomes, the way if until you call, me who reset the fact that it cannot recognize
substantial love it is
something which believes that those which it has are not known and obtains and those which are given are believed.
It's almost like badfic quotes. I should like to know what カルマ is. I really should.