Heeeeeeeello! Not dead yet, HAHAHA!
Unless by dead you mean CRUSHED BY THE UNHOLY FATTY MASS OF COLLEGE, then I fear I am long gone.
Just stalking about
pornish_pixies and getting an odd obsession for weaslycest/slash thanks to aspen (
Btw! If you are ever in the nieghborhoor of this "blogger" (is it The Orginal Blogger, I do not know. I orginally joined so I could nagivate to my friend's post about a chicken easily at a later date. Ah, such lofy ambitions..) The Holy Church of Magna is setting up a base! Livejournal seemed too much and myspace too little...thus!
http://holymagna.blogspot.com/ Sooo....(*scans rumbled newspaper*)Youtube sure is getting alot of hype lately(heh, MONTHS are ago 'lately' to moi), I've noticed. As are our lovely 'blog-o-spheres.' Isn't it great that thanks to media conerage youths (not Not-So-Youths) from the world around can find ways to record, tape and fantize all the ways of the world which had not come into light until JUST NOW? (Granted, teh internets have always been and always will be approximately 82.4% pr0n, but at least 10% is taken up by video streaming sites/blogs, even through I'm determined to prove that myspace is literally eating the rest of teh internet as it goes, and at least 60% is fandom. Do the math. That's America right there.)
Anyhoos the kids I'm interning with are quite possibly going to shank my ankles on sight if I don't locate an aquatic frog, teach him to answer to the name 'Gilly' and write up a chart for the 'Wonders of De-morphation' in two days. I need sleep.
Hope everyone had a good turkey day! Chuckles and I threw the ol' pigskin around for a bit but when he came inside he molted all over my bedspread and I had to lock him in the closet. Ours is a complicated love!