
Aug 14, 2008 01:44

So, uh, the Mens' AA tonight was pretty much the definition of splatfest, no? Jesus.

I was happy to see that both our American guys had a good meet. I imagine that Horton is kind of disappointed -if only he'd done what he did in team finals!- but he was still really solid, imo. I'm impressed with how consistent he's gotten on high bar. And I could not have asked for more from my pretty Sasha Artemev, who has been freaking AWESOME in Beijing thus far. Crossing my fingers for him in event finals.

As for the rest of the competition...

What a miserable meet for poor Fabian. I want to give him a hug. : (

Yang Wei is certainly a deserving champ but I can't really get myself to enjoy his gymnastics. That high bar routine? Ew.

My heart just about stopped when Tomita took that fall on rings. I'd bet he's going to be in a lot of pain later, and he's so lucky he didn't get a serious injury! That fall was scary. He really could've been so much better here. *sigh*

Uchimura is a new discovery from me. He's a cutie, and I love his gymnastics. Proof of how sad this meet was is the fact that he's the silver medalist with two falls. Still, he's great, and I'm really happy he got a medal.

And um...yay for random French guy?

Please, ladies. Do better. I'm begging you.
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