By God

Oct 24, 2004 14:34

Well...Its been forever! Lets see. I haven't done too much lately. Last week I went to Georgia for a few days to see my family. That was awesome!! We got to stay at the lake house...its so nice. Then when I got home we had a lot to do at work so I've been workin a lot lately. Yesterday me and my mom went and picked up Sam from work. Then we came here and me and Sam drove over to Allie's to pick up some of my stuff. Then we came back here and left in my brothers car to go to fruth and get candy for the movies we got!  We got Saved (pretty good!),Helter Skelter(freaky but good),and Christmas Vacation 2 (very bad). We watched 2 and a half movies then got on here. After that we went outside and got attacked by slugs. Very scary so we came in and started to watch Aqua teen hunger force. Cracks me uppp! haha yeah but then we fell asleep and when we woke up I watched the rest of aqua teen while Sam got ready to leave =( lol. She went to her g*maws with her family and sweeeeet! lol  but now i'm gonna go get ready for work. Oh and by the way...this update is just for Sam....and another thing....make sure you cut up the little plastic pop can holders bc they could get dumped in the river and they can kill fish! So please do this! ....Ya learn something new everyday :)  Lots of love to my few people!

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