To die would be so sweet

Dec 18, 2005 15:04

I am so confused. I don't know what to feel anymore, My life is falling apart and the seems. It has been for the last 3 1/2 months since i left MI. I am lost w/out a script no one to talk to no one who really cares or knows me. No one in my family cares about what i feel, I'm always shut down. I am so good at hiding my feelings. My family doesn't ( Read more... )

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*gapes in amazement* anonymous December 31 2005, 06:04:05 UTC
Dom...why'd you write this? Life isn't as bad as it seems...the only problem is that life gets worse before it gets better, and from what you've said, the worst is almost have someone here for you...I'm still *unfortunately* back in OK, and I've been waiting for you to come're my best friend, Dom...I care about you, and I wanna be here for you, no matter what you're going were there for me when Aaron dumped me... you got me through that, and I can't thank you enough. There ARE people in OK who care about just need to see through the tears that we ARE here for you, and we aren't just pulling an act with you...we really do care about you. I know you have stronger connections with everyone in MI, and that's understandable. I still have some strong connections with a few select people in BA (Everyone else in there can fuck off--you know who you are! *flips the bird through the interweb* HA!) ANYWAYS, I love you know I do...I know it sounds lesbian-ish, but you know what I mean by it. You're not a burden to anyone, and you CAN get through the whole guy dilemma (I'm actually proud to say that, through your wisdom and love, I found that I don't love Aaron...I actually can't stand him now...JACKASS!!!! *ahem*)...if you ever need me, Dom, just IM me...if you can't get me there, you KNOW you can ring me up ANYTIME and I'll come get you if you need to escape...You can jump in the car and your daddy could be chasin after my car with a rifle, and I'd STILL pick you know how stubborn I am...if I don't talk to you before the break is over, then I hope that I will see you back at school. I love you Dom, always and forever *coughcornycough*. See ya when I see ya.
Love, Tiffany


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