Title: "Not the Best Patient"
Pairing: Shiroyama Yuu (Aoi) x Takashima Kouyou (Uruha)
Writer: black_prophet
Genre: PYP: Remix, Scrap
Word Count: 342
Rating: PG
Warning: Whiny Ducks Ahead!, Overall Shortness of Fic, Randomness
A/N: This is a Remix of the "Sick" PYP! Prompted into existence by
sbrown7367 who suggested Aoiha! Thanks and blame also to
thesilveramazon, because she called it! And also
wp_wolfpaws because I am weak in the cute! I hope you all enjoy the read!
Disclaimer: THIS IS A FANFICTION. It is a work of Fiction starring real people that I sadly do not own in any way, shape, or form. The characterizations of those characters, and this writing, are all mine.
Aoi murmured a grateful goodbye and then stored his cellphone, glad to have caught Kai in an understanding mood. He would not hear of Uruha coming in to practice, not with the way the Lead Guitarist had sounded. Not that it was in Kai’s nature to be anything less than understanding, considering just how pathetic Uruha had sounded when he’d answered the phone.
Leaving the living area, Aoi paced down the short hallway and slid through the cracked bedroom door. The master bedroom was as dark and cool as he could make it, with thick curtains pulled over the window to drown out the daylight beyond. The bed was heaped with comfortable blankets, the perfect haven for a patient. “Pssst.”
A low growl was his only response from the mound of blankets, and in spite of his concern it prompted a soft laugh. “Are you still awake?”
“Shhh.” The bundle of blankets hissed miserably. “Your voice makes my head hurt.”
“Still feeling horrible, baby?” Aoi smiled gently, perching on the edge of the bed and rubbing at his lover’s shoulders when Uruha coughed miserably. “I’m sorry… If it makes you feel better, Kai is letting us both call in sick.”
“You’re not sick…” Came the muffled voice as dark eyes glared at him over the edge of the blankets. “Why aren’t you sick? You should be sick. You can’t call in if you aren’t sick, and you aren’t sick. You aren’t sick, and I hate you.”
Aoi ignored the weak growling, scratching the rumpled gold of Uruha’s hair in a soothing gesture. “If I was sick, who would take care of you? Kai understands someone needs to, and he knows how you can be… So he told me it was my job to make sure you were better.”
“I’m not better yet, I hate you.”
“I love you too, Ducky.” Aoi sighed. “To listen to you, someone would think you had the flu instead of just a cold.”
“Shut up.” Uruha hissed. “Go make me soup… Maybe I will hate you less.”
Another thing! I hope you guys are enjoying all the remixes, I certainly have fun writing them. Don't forget to check the PYP section of my fic list, and comment for a chance at your own OTP getting some love!