Title: "Captain's Claim"
Pairing: YunJae (Yunho x Jaejoong)
Writer: black_prophet
Genre: PYP: Remix, Scrap
Word Count: 452
Rating: PG13
Warning: First Sign of the Apocalypse, Second of MANY YunJae Remixes, Invisible Banner Reading AUTHOR'S FOREVER OTP, Um No Really, Swearing, Randomness, Awkward confessions, Fluff
A/N: This is a Remix of the First Ever PYP "CLAIM"! That's right! In true LatFashion I have looked at my utter FAILING (No YunJae Remixes Ever?!) and come up with the only logical conclusion: WRITE ALL THE REMIXES FOR YUNJAE. Yes, that's Right. ALL. That I can before my brain explodes. But hopefully all. So let's go ahead and blame this on
gothdeathangel because she's the resilient sort and pointed out the other PYP as YunJae material. She opened this door, and now the madness pours free! BWAHAHAHAHA!
Disclaimer: THIS IS A FANFICTION. It is a work of Fiction starring real people that I sadly do not own in any way, shape, or form. I did not witness the events herein, and do not maintain any of this to be true. The characterizations of those people, and this plot and writing, are all mine.
Jaejoong skirted out of the side-doors and fled the gymnasium building at a flat-out run, bolting around a row of hedges and tearing across the soccer field toward the shed. Safely out of sight he would text Yoochun to meet him there and they could watch Junsu’s practice, or Yoochun could… Jae would definitely be avoiding the Captain’s eye.
If only he could get to the cheery cabin-shaped storage area, out of sight… There was a little stretch of grass on the back-side of the shed decorated with wildflowers, Jae had skipped many a math lesson there in the past. If he could just get there, he’d be safe.
Two strides shy of the shed, a solid body crashed into him. “YAH!”
“I am so tired of chasing you!” Jung -speak of the devil- Yunho snapped as Jae scrambled in his grip like some wild animal. He let the fey-featured male almost break free and then caught his arm, hauling him around the back of the shed and into his body. “Damn it Jaejoong! You’re more trouble than you’re worth, do you know that? Can’t you do anything without making a scene? They’ll be talking about this for months!”
“What the hell do you care how much trouble I am? Stop chasing me or even looking at me and no one will care about me outside of a minute! It’s your fault the student body watches my every move!” The beauty spat, ire pouring steel into his spine. He bristled; rage darkening his eyes and tilting his chin up to boldly meet his captor’s censuring glare. “Stop chasing me and they wouldn’t give a damn about me at all!”
Yunho’s rage faded into a look of incredulity. “Just stop caring about you? Do you think it’s that easy?! God Jae, if it was, I would have done it years ago. Pabo! Don’t you know that I can’t? You’re my damn responsibility!”
Jae froze, and then his bag hit the ground and he struggled even more wildly to be free of Yunho’s hold. “Bastard! I’m not anyone’s anything.”
“Jae-” Yunho began, cutting the biting words off with a snap of his teeth as he avoided a slap. “Yah! Kim Jaejoong!”
“Don’t you Kim Jaejoong me, Jung Yunho.” The graceful male growled, eyes sparking. “And don’t presume to claim me. You overstep yourself, Captain. I quit the team to get away with your bullshit, I don’t need it following me all over campus. I don’t need anyone."
“Pabo.” Yunho growled, eyes narrowing fiercely and voice pitched low. “How in the hell could I be in love with such an idiot! I claim you because I need you, Baby… Not necessarily because you need me.”
Jae stilled as though he'd been shot, his eyes wide and jaw gaping. "L-love? You love me?"
Yunho snorted, rolling his eyes. "God, of course I do! What the hell did you think all of this was about anyway?"
Ok so... The guilt of not having any YunJae Remixes? Overwhelming. HUGE CRUSHING GUILT. But I'm gonna fix it. >D And if you're wondering "Is this girl Insane?", Yes, yes I am. Hurr hurr the author loves "High School" AUs, can you tell?