Title: "Pera Luna" Biographies & Images
Pairing (Future): YunJae, YooSu, (More To Come)
Writer: black_prophet (Midsummer_Slave)
Genre: SciFi, Fantasy (Fantasy Realm)
Fic Rating: PG13
Warning: WORK IN PROGRESS. Not an update, really. Biography Listing to aid in Character Recognition. Images included. Updated (most likely) with each Chapter. Please Check!
Disclaimer: I don't own these people, I didn't take these pictures, I didn't even edit them (aside from cropping/resizing), they're not mine etc etc. Bio information is correct for the fic, not guaranteed to be accurate for RL. This fic is set in a world created and governed by me, idea and writing all my original work.
Eyecandy, me likey. Does anyone wanna make me a banner yet? I love you! Ignore that. >.>
Emerald Fern Pack:
Prince: Yunho
Wolf: Cinnamon Colored "Royal" Build, Golden Eyes
Hunter: Junsu
Wolf: Black with a white snip on his nose, charcoal-gray eyes
Scout: Changmin
Wolf: Brown with a black blanket-type marking and black socks on his forefeet,, medium brown-golden eyes
Glacial Lake Pack:
Prince: Jaejoong
Wolf: White Wolf, Smallish "Royal", Gray Eyes
Hunter: Yoochun
Wolf: Solid black, bright green eyes
DenMaker: Kibum "Key"
Affiliated Pack: Glacial Lake
Shape: Red Fox, Amber eyes
Pera Luna Biographies! Updated and linked to all available chapters of the fic currently posted! Details added!