Title: Hot Chocolate
Pairing: SoulMates (JaejoongxYoochun)
Writer: black_prophet (Midsummer_Slave)
Genre: Scrap (For Prompt)
Rating: PG
A/N: Another drabble at the request of the maknae,
h_i_m_e_s_a_m_a because she did a multi-request post to help me out. ^.^
Disclaimer: The writing and idea is mine, the pairing was requested of me. I do not own the real HoMin, or TVXQ, or JYJ. They’re just my OT5.
Warning: Longer than Prompt
Yoochun grumbled, rubbing at his eyes as he sat up and took a moment to orient himself; he was laying in the dark now, a blanket tossed over his legs where he sprawled over Jaejoong’s couch. There was a dim light in the kitchen and the faint sound of movement, prompting him to get up and shuffle toward it “Joongie?”
The older male smiled, turning and leaning against the counter with a cup cradled in his hands. “You fell asleep somewhere in the second song, Junsu and I didn’t want to wake you, but we’re going to bed.”
Junsu sat on the island countertop, swinging his feet slightly as he sipped at his own drink, and peering at the room through the rumpled curtain of his bangs.
“What did you make?” Yoochun murmured around a yawn. “And is there some for me?”
“Hot chocolate, if you want some.” Jae smiled, reaching for the third cup set aside on the counter.
“Yeah, I want some.”
So, they're cute? ^.^