Title: "Lounge Club"
Pairings: YunJae (Yunho x Jaejoong)
Writer: black_prophet (Midsummer_Slave)
Genre: Drabble
Word Count: 103
Rating: PG13
Warning: Post Lawsuit, Mention of Alcohol
A/N: This is for americankaur on tumblr, and a longer version is on the way! For now, I hope you enjoy Becca darling!!
Disclaimer: I do not now -nor will I ever *sob*- own JYJ, HoMin, or DBSK. They are human beings and thus belong only to themselves and whoever they give themselves too. Hopefully each other, I'm just saying. I didn't invent them, or witness this scenario.
Jaejoong settled himself into one corner of the luxurious white couch, brushing aside a decorative pillow as he sipped at his chilled glass of lemon soju. The alcohol was sharp, sweet-sour that entranced his senses and worked to sooth the edges of his soul that were worn rough with work and filming. A shadow passed over him, cast by the soft white-crystal lamps and the arrival of a body that settled in the plush chair in front of him.
Jaejoong swirled the soju and ice, sipping at it again before he raised his eyes to meet the other’s gaze, and half-smiled. “Hello Yunho.”
I'm working on a "longer" version of this. For a 3 part prompt, Give Couple & Setting for a 3 sentence fic. Obviously, this ran long, and will be longer still! Hope you enjoy!! XD