Title: Tiger Tamer: Summary & Biographies
Pairings: Aoi x Uruha (More?)
Writer: black_prophet (Midsummer_Slave)
Genre: AU, Sci-Fi with Angst & Smut
Rating: PG (For Now)
Warning: PG
A/N: The summary is large (compared to normal summaries) and very much the “future”. Ch 1 will be a bit of "background/ childhood" etc before things get rolling. I hope you enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not now, nor will I ever, claim to own The GazettE (though I do have several CDs & Concert DVDs and a LOT of pictures). They belong to themselves and each other. This fic and the world it is set in is completely the product of my imagination. I do all my own stunts writing. Please do not attempt these techniques at home. No Beta (sorry for mistakes, I try to spare you).
Summary: Yuu is a volatile Changeling, a Shapeshifter, a Beastwalker. Between one breath and the next he can give himself over to the Change, gliding from human to the shape of a tiger in the space of a heartbeat. At home in either form, he is black haired, fierce eyed, and dangerous. The predatory nature of Changelings is well known; they are stronger, faster and deadlier than humans. There is a grace to them, a hunger, and a madness. It is for this reason that each Changeling requires a Tamer: fully-human counterpart to balance the duel-nature of these living weapons.
A Tamer is genetically engineered to be their Changeling’s perfect companion, the only one who will ever have even a hope of gaining their trust. Anything less than a perfect match is akin to a death sentence to be carried out by Changeling claws. Nothing involving Changelings is simple, and this is proven in their most impressive case so far. Yuu will be the pride of their stables, if only they can get him to obey. But his case has been nothing but trouble: from his refusal to obey commands, to his increasing madness, to the death of his Tamer. However, one ray of hope lies in his Tamer’s twin, an untried secret until now.
Takashima Kouyou has grown up in the real world, beyond the grooming of the WTA who breeds these Changelings and alters their Tamers, training them to work as a pair. Once his greatest dream was to walk with one of the great hunters at his side, but that was to be the fate of his sister, not himself. He’s twenty when Kisa dies in a freak accident, having grown up wild and rebellious to society’s demands. Now they have to bring him to heel, fast, because he has a beast to Tame.
When the two meet, sparks and fur will fly.
Subject #: GAZE500
Name: Suzuki Akira
Breed: Lion
Tamer: ?
Age: 21
Status: Escaped/Rogue
Subject #: TAME500
Name: Classified
Rank: Unranked
Note: Access Denied- File Locked. Present Authorization.
Subject #: GAZE501
Name: Shiroyama Yuu
Breed: Maltese Tiger
Former Tamer: Takashima Kisa
Tamer: Takashima Kouyou
Age: 22
Status: Unpredictable/ Rogue.
Subject #: TAME501
Name: Takashima Kisa
Rank: Training
Note: Deceased at Age 20.
Subject #: TAME502
Name: Takashima Kouyou
Rank: Inconsequential/ Inactive
Note: Twin, to 501. Civilian, activated at Age 20.
Status: Untrained.
Subject GAZE500:
Subject GAZE501:
Subject TAME502:
The Artist:
Forthcoming **
The Biography Posts for "Tamer" is starting to get a little more filled now, as the story continues. I am deeply grateful for my awesome readers, and hope you continue to enjoy the series as it continues!