FANFIC: Playing God Ch 29: "Playing God" (Pairs Listed)

Feb 23, 2011 14:13

Title: "Playing God" Ch 29: "Playing God"
Pairings: DBSK: YunJae (YunhoxJaejoong), YooSu (YoochunxJunsu); Se7enxRain (Past/Implied); KAT-TUN: AKAME (AkanishixKamenashi); BIGBANG: GTop; The GazettE: ReitaxRuki, AoixUruha; SHINee: JongKey (JonghyunxKibum, Future/Implied), 2Min (MinhoxTaemin, Future/Implied), (More Pairings/Bands to Come)
Featuring: Se7en, Rain, Changmin (DBSK), Lee HongKi (FT Island), Tatsuya Ueda (KAT-TUN), Taeyang (BIGBANG), Onew (SHINee), Hyde, (More to come)
Writer: black_prophet (Midsummer_Slave)
Genre: SciFi/ Fantasy/ AU
Rating: PG13 (Some Adult Themes, Language & Sensuality)
Warning: Fluff, Angst/Drama, Experiments/Medical, Weirdness, Rich Assholes, Sadistic Scientists, Captive Angels, Sensuality, Assassins, a Variety of Homicidal Souls, etc.
A/N: This fic is dedicated to myeyeswillclose. Wave at the visiting OC, people. Smile and be nice and maybe she won't kill us all.
Disclaimer: THIS IS A FANFICTION, all "Celeb" appearances are just courtesy of my brain. They belong to themselves, each other, and that's about it. I can't prove angels exist, I didn't witness any of this, it is all from my random little brain. And no, we're not done yet, ladies. There's a certain visiting OC that I'm using with permission of her owner.
Previous Chapters: "Biographies" "Chapter 1" "Chapter 2" "Chapter 3" "Chapter 4" "Chapter 5" "Chapter 6" "Chapter 7" "Chapter 8" "Chapter 9" "Chapter 10" "Chapter 11" "Chapter 12" "Chapter 13" "Chapter 14" "Chapter 15" "Chapter 16" "Chapter 17" "Chapter 18" "Chapter 19" "Chapter 20" "Chapter 21" "Chapter 22" "Chapter 23" "Chapter 24" "Chapter 25" "Chapter 26" "Chapter 27" "Chapter 28"

The meeting was going better than any of them had dared to hope for. Despite Se7en’s lack of calm, he managed to answer the questions of his visitors as well ask some of his own. While several of the Japanese Committee had been in and out of Haven establishments, none of them had stayed long. The Japanese branches of Haven were not funded or staffed as well as the branches in Korea.
But they were catching up too quickly for any Kin’s liking. Soon enough it wouldn’t be safe for any of them, anywhere. That was why the Resistance had formed, to end Haven before it got too out of hand.
‘We need to act sooner rather than later.’ Aoi warned the rest of the Committee, a restlessness edging his thoughts as he began pacing once more.
‘And we shall.’ Uruha soothed his mate instantly, leaning against the desk as he watched the other circle.
On the heels of their words, the windows crashed open again, their frames slapping the walls and rattling ominously. A gust of wind filled with driving rain swept in, making the flames in the fireplace gutter and the room darken ominously. Just as quickly the glass paned doors slammed shut, a last crack that silenced the room.
“Late to the party-” Reita sighed as the fire blazed in response to the sudden cut off of the sharp breeze, lighting the room once more. He had a feeling he knew what scene awaited him, and so it was little surprise to take in the new chaotic state of the room, Takanori safely tucked between his wings and tight to his back.
Se7en was a half-step away from his seat which had been overturned and cast to the side, taking a small table with it. The Korean Kin was on his knees with his hands splayed to either side of him, palms bared to the air. A wickedly curved black blade was laid against his throat, the faintly silver edge just shy of touching pale skin.
A lithe female form clad head-to-toe in black stood at Se7en’s back, rain-soaked hair clinging to pale skin as black-gloved fingers tightened imperceptibly around the hilt of her blade. Her appearance had made little noise compared to the fire and the fury of the storm she had brought with her, the same storm that had tumbled the furniture and cast books and papers about the room in the brief moment the windows had been open for her entrance. In the space of that same moment she had entered through the window, she managed to toss the chair Se7en had been sitting in, planted the First-Rank soldier on his knees, and put a blade to his throat.
‘At least she hasn’t killed him yet.’ Takanori offered with a faintly amused tint to the words.
‘Don’t encourage her.’ Reita scolded back in a playfully chiding manner. ‘You’re half the reason she’s the terror she is.’
‘Only because she thinks I dull your senses by half.’ There was bitterness behind his mate’s words that easily reached the Dark Kin.
‘She is probably closer to right than any of us care to admit.’ Akira admitted with a hidden smile. ‘There are still days I think of nothing but the taste and feel and scent of you… And I care for my surroundings not at all.’
‘You better stop that.’ Takanori bit at him, temper rising as his blush did. ‘If you ever do get assassinated, you better do it well away from me so your Sister doesn’t take it out of my skin.’
Akira sighed, glancing at his mate. ‘I think we both know that if I die, nothing will save you from her.’
‘A good thing I will not survive the loss of you then, isn’t it?’
Uruha cut in with a smooth cough. ‘By your leave, gentlemen, but I believe it is best we call off the Dai-a-saeth before she kills our ally, and not after…’
“Little Sister?” Reita murmured, a question in the tone. “Is this your idea of being ‘fashionably’ late to an occasion?”
“Dai-a-thier,” She murmured, her tone coldly professional. “If I have told you once, I have told you a thousand times, he very may well be the death of you.”
‘See?’ Ruki muttered in a playfully cross way. ‘There she goes, blaming me again.’
‘I will not be able to handle this if you are both going to act like some strange mix of children and overprotective psychopaths.’ Reita warned with a final firm look at his mate.
The shorter male pretended to ignore it, casting his gaze idly to the walls and ceiling in a way that was all-too-familiar to his mate by now. Well, Reita thought to himself, at least he’s not staring at his nails… I hate it when he does that.
“Not for many a year, I think.” Reita replied to her, sitting and drawing Ruki into his lap. “You hold a blade to the throat of an ally.”
“A potential, ally.” She retorted swiftly with a flash of black eyes. “He is not sworn to you yet.”
“But the blade is.” Reita reminded her gently. “So render it to better use, as it remains in my service, or end his life and the career of my best Assassin.”
“Your only Assassin.” She replied with a smirk. “No other comes close.”
“You always did have a thing for Playing God, Little Sister.” Aoi smiled faintly as he twisted golden strands of his mate’s hair around his fingers. “Even in the Realms of Others.”
“Dolls were never much fun for me… And where better to play it?” She challenged, snarling as the door opened to reveal more strangers. With a muttered curse she gave Se7en’s hair a warning tug and leveled a glare at them, her voice a venomous hiss. “STAND WHERE YOU ARE OR HE BLEEDS.”
Takanori sighed, eyes closing before he could see what fresh hell was frozen in the doorway. ‘Your sister will never be one for Mediation… We really could use that missing Arch to deal with her, do you know it?’
‘You think Xithis dislikes you now?’ Akira teased, frowning as he looked over the injured male and the Kin supporting him. ‘Just wait until I tell her you’re trying to mate her off to some unknown Arch Angel.’
‘Now whose Playing God?’
‘Not God SoulMate, just Prince… Just Prince.’
“I don’t think I’ll mind Playing God at all.” The female known as Xithis murmured, laughing into Se7en’s hair as she considered the warrior Kin still standing in the doorway. At least he hadn’t moved, just as she’d told him not to. “This place looks like it could be fun.”
“Sister.” Reita murmured softly. “This is their home. By all means, enter; we know your team-mate is wounded."
“Gunshot wound, Haven saw him poking around their property.” Rain hesitated, glancing at the woman who held a blade to his best friend’s throat with no few misgivings. Probably better to be safe than sorry with this one.
Reaching slowly to his belt he withdrew his knife from it’s sheathe and flung it to the floor, rendering himself weaponless as his guns were left downstairs. Stepping into the room, he moved around where it stood quivering, the tip firmly buried in the dark wood that Se7en was so fond of. “Good enough?”
He was fairly sure he’d get lectured on it later, but couldn’t bring himself to care at the moment. The woman considered him for another moment and then nodded, giving him permission to enter the study. Before he could get more then three steps into the room, Jonghyun let out a muttered grunt and then became dead weight, fainting under the strain of blood-loss and swift travel. “Raptor?”
“He’s out.” The black haired stranger murmured, and Rain instantly recognized him as the Death Arch.
Moving away from his golden-haired mate, Aoi paced a tense circle along one wall, his head weaving slightly from side to side like a cobra in trace. Black metal gleamed at his lip like some strange sort of fang, the black of his eyes flaring with golden poison. “Life is slipping away from the one you call Brother. Slowly, but it leaves all the same.”
The golden-haired beauty the Death Arch had been shielding moved three steps closer to him and Jonghyun, attracting his attention with a low murmur. “He needs a healer.”
Suddenly the Japanese beauty stopped, just as the Death Arch ceased his pacing with a hiss and a jerk of his head. Tension snapped the feral male’s spine straight as his gaze focused on the blond. The golden-haired male tilted his head slightly and took another sliding step, hips swaying in a movement echoed faintly by a weave of the Death Arch’s body.
Rain was pretty sure he stopped breathing as he watched them gracefully move around and yet toward each other, a progress that was both as slow as a decade and as fast as a heartbeat. Jonghyun was weak and tired, he knew, but not in imminent danger of Death. He could not say the same was true for them all should the black-haired Japanese male be angered.
In fact, he was most emphatically ready to believe the opposite. Deciding to let the pair work it out, he concentrated on getting the unconscious kin to a nearby couch, setting him down as gently as possible. Rain had a feeling -when the blond had his way- that the beautiful male would tend to the bullet wound and Jonghyun’s other injuries.
“Xithis.” Reita crooned, urging Takanori from his lap and to one side as he stood again and gestured to his side with one hand. “Attend me and let them see to their comrade.”
“I would much rather end him for you.” Black eyes flashed behind her short black bangs, absorbing the light the way Aoi’s did. “And then stand in attendance.”
“That is not to be.” Aoi murmured, appearing at her shoulder with a light touch to her elbow, his discussion with his mate over. “Go into your brother’s council, Xithis. I will keep an eye on him if it soothes you.”
For all that his presence did not alarm her, her lips parted on a snarl, the dainty white points of her fangs gleaming in the firelight. The gesture was an expression of her displeasure; she’d never been one for any sort of defeat, much less the graceful kind. “If there were any other I trusted with his life, it would be you… I thank you for the service.”
“Stow your blade, Dai-a-thieren.” The Death Arch smirked. “I have my own weapons.”
Uruha waited until his mate was fully engaged with their uneasy ally and Xithis before stepping closer to the newly arrived pair of Kin. Gently brushing the injured arm of the unconscious male, he glanced at the other. “Are you hurt?”
“No, just Jonghyun.” Rain glanced over the others in the room, and then turned his eyes back to the striking blond. “I’m Rain, Co-Lead of the Resistance.”
The honey-haired Arch inclined his head slightly. “Uruha, of the Committee that leads the Japanese Resistance.”
“So, you’re the good guys?” Rain murmured, glancing at the black-winged Aoi and then to Reita and Xithis.
Uruha laughed, a darkly melodic sound. “Compared to some…”

Xi stepped around Se7en with a final distrustful glance from behind her bangs, lights steps carrying her across the room to where Reita and Ruki awaited her. Her blade sang softly as she twisted it out, down, and back up before sliding it away into the sheath that ran up her spine. Halfway to the pair of Japanese men, she stopped, glancing over her shoulder at the Death Arch and his captive. “Yuu?”
“Princess?” He returned, voice even and low and for the moment, sane.
“If you wished it, you could have been Dai-a-saeth, his trusted assassin…” Thin brows drew together in a frown as she shook her head almost imperceptibly. “Why?”
Aoi grinned, glancing to her, one hand on his katana. “We do not all have it in us to Play God, Princess… Now attend your Brother, and leave our Allies to themselves for awhile.”
Xithis twisted her lips in a smirk, and then nudged his mind with a teasing thread. ‘You played with dolls as a child, didn’t you?’
‘They’re action figures.’ The Death Arch smirked back. ‘Ask Kouyou about his dolls.’
Kouyou tsked from across the room, making them both grin and glance in his direction. He had the young Korean laid out on a chaise, but was looking back over his shoulder at them.
‘Yes, but now who Plays God, and who caters?’ Honey eyes met a solid black gaze, glinting. ‘We’re adults now, darling… And we all know who has power over Yuu.’
‘I can play with you two later, my brother is waiting on me.’Xi shook her head at them both, pacing over to greet Reita and then Ruki with a light kiss to their cheeks.
‘Done playing with those two?’ Reita murmured.
‘Some games never end, Brother…’ She glanced at Ruki and smiled. ‘Just like some nightmares never end…’

"Epilogue: Photographs & Scars"
Hey guys! So this is the last official Chapter of Playing God! We'll have an Epilogue, and that will more or less wrap up the first "book" of the Angel Chronicles. Book 2 (when it begins) will offer us some behind the scenes in a few Playing God Scenarios, as said actions will play a big part later on. You know the drill. ^.~ Comment for me?

reitaxruki, dark angels, rating: pg13, type: multi-ch, acu: playing god, guest: xi, angels, genre: scifi/fantasy, genre: au, aoixuruha, the gazette

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