journal spamage

Aug 22, 2004 19:11

[First job]: babysitting but no real ones
[First screen name]: Starnova7
[First funeral]: my grandmother
[First pet]: orange tabby cat named whiskers
[First piercing]: my ears
[First tattoo]: don't have one
[First kiss]: when i was 19, first boyfriend
[First enemy]:i can't remember
[First favorite musician]: Garth Brooks or Chris Isaak

[Last car ride]: about 10 mins ago
[Last kiss]: December
[Last movie watched]: Bourne Supremacy
[Last beverage drank]: unsweet tea
[Last food consumed]: chocolate chip cookie
[Last phone call]: on the cell thrusday afternoon
[Last time showered] yesterday
[Last CD played]: Sarah McLachlan-Fumbling toward Ecstasy
[Last website visited:LJ

[Last lesson learned]:Not really last but I guess don't let other people try to live your life for you

[Single or Taken]: single
[Sex]: sure
[Birthday]: 3-10
[Sign]: pisces
[Siblings]: brother and sister
[Hair color]: dark brown with red highlights
[Eye color]: brown
[Shoe size]: 7
[Height]: 5' 2"
[Mood]: singy
[City you're in]: ATL

Right now what are you...
[Supposed to be doing instead of this]: reading for my comparative anatomy class
[Wearing]: red v-neck shirt with capri jeans
[Drinking]: nothing
[Thinking about]: missing Daytona
[Listening to]: Lets get it started-black eyed peas
[About to do]: clean

Take the quiz: "What Kind of Soul Do You Retain?"

You have an open heart and open mind and you chose not to let anyone get to you and the way you want to live.


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