May 15, 2010 15:17
Hey sad peeps, relieved peeps, angry Chloe fans,
This entry is public, by the way.
I am pretty exhausted by this last season. Saddened and disheartened. I feel like we did all we could, so enough of that. I'm going to try to focus on more positive distractions. The sad part of that is I probably don't get to talk to you guys as much. It is to be expected that we all have different interests that we will pursue with Smallville off the air, if only for summer. I want to keep talking with those of you that I can, though. So I'm going to make an effort to share other shows, books, and comics I love. Maybe you will find distraction in some of these too, maybe we can have a cool conversation about it. Maybe not, but it's worth a try. So I'm going to make an effort to write reviews for stuff I watch. Maybe if some of you do too, we'll find more common ground. First up, but not only up, will be Spartacus. It's not for everyone, but it does rock hard if you have an adolecent boy struggling to break out of your soul like I do.