[Okay. The last weekend was a pretty big haze, and that worries Ragna. Mostly because he could swear he recalled it happening around this time last year, but after his discovery today? Who the hell cares. He found something that is totally worth putting everything aside and putting all concentration into it. Which is why this is fully filtered, rather than the rushed and half-assed filters he usually uses.
He found Noel's diary.
This is a glorious day.]
[Filtered from Noel, Tsubaki, Jin Kisaragi, v-13, and Yuber // 100% Unhackable]
[The journal clicks on as Ragna starts to mutter under his breath.] Why the hell do I want waffles? [Weird way to start up a voice post, but he has a reason for it.]
Hey, guys. Have I got a surprise for you. I've got some poetry that I found, courtesy of Noel Vermillion. I think I'm gonna read it. [There's a short snicker, because this is hilarious.]
Okay, the first one's called "The Door". [He clears his throat for a moment, and then his voice shifts to one that seems to mock the very existence of a
certain vampire. Sorry, Rachel. Your voice is being mocked into infinity.]
Oh, no!
Don't open the door!
You'll fall on the floor!
There's a mess... there!
I do declare!
We need some repairs!
Don't be scared!
I really do care!
About these repairs!
So... don't mess up your hair?
In front of the door.
[Whatever the hell just read is making it hard for Ragna to keep a straight face, but he tries. He also tried not laughing while saying that, but he kinda failed. Which probably ended up sounding really fucking weird, given who he was impersonating while reading that.]
The second one's called "Dream I Had Last Night". I think it's a haiku or something. [Back to his impersonation.]
Rolling down a hill...
I accidentally break my leg.
I sell my bike.
[The sound of a page turning, because he's looking for another poem.] Alright, here's another one. Doesn't have a name though.
[But before he could actually start the final poem (because he skimmed it first), he kind of just goes:] --The hell!? [And slams his journal shut. Because what the fuck did he just read.
But don't worry. He'll answer anyone within a few minutes. He's just snooping in the rest of Noel's diary first.]