
May 14, 2005 13:06

OMG!!! i am totally freaking out!!!!! i have my violin concert today!!!!
god...*cries* i'm gonna die!!!!!!!!!!!
must calm down... breathe.... don't attempt suicide XD!!!
lol i'm not suidicidal... i can't even spell it right for god's sake!!
yesterday was friday the 13th! i thought i was going to have the worst day ever.
i have to spazz about some thing!!!!!!
i also have to rant about random things!!! like................................................................................................................................................................
LOVELESS!!! god i am in love w/ that manga!!! i am in love!! thought i didn't like ep 6 as much cause there wasn't too much soubixritsoka action! gr...... an soubi was being hurt!!! how could any one whip him.

ja ne to who ever actually visit's this place!

i'll be back later!!!!... dunno when thought!!!
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