A - Available: no
A - Age: 17
A - Annoyance: currently? im tired
B - Best Feature: nothing
B - Beer: not old enough yet
B- Birthday: 4.26.89
B - Best friends: they know who they are
C - Crush: only Sam
C - Car: not yet
C - Candy: Gobstoppers and orange slices
D - Day or night: night
D - Dream Car: whatever
D - Dogs or Cats: kitties
E - Egg nog: yuck
E - Events this weekend: omg. Boarders to read book with Sam, Grudge 2 with him also, slept over his house, spent the door lounging around, then went to Ian's at like 5 and went to McDonalds and Laserzone and I just got back now. (11:30)
F - Favorite color(s): orange and green
F - Favorite Band: don't have one
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: sour worms
G - Giver or taker: both
H - Hair: auburn red
H - Height: 5'3 ish
H - Happy: yeah
I - Ice Cream: mint chocolate chip
I - Instrument: bass clarinet, guitar and singing
J- Jewelry: bangles, my special necklace, class ring, green ring in my left top part of my ear, 2 10 gauges in my 2nd holes, normal earrings in my 1st holes and my industrial barbell in my right ear.
J - Job: not yet, got fired, damn you
J - Jail: noooo
K - Kids: no
K - Kindergarten teacher: Mrs Brissette
L - Longest Car Ride: 7 hours
L - Lamest Inside Joke: I'm gonna write an essay... that's why I say!
M - Meat: yum
M - Most missed person: meh
M - Movie Last Watched: Grudge 2 and Godsend
N - Number of Siblings: 2
N - Number of Tattoos: 0 for now
N - Name: We're Burning Down the Highway Skyline
O - One wish: words can't explain it.
P - Perfectionist?: YES.
Q - Quick or Slow: depends on the situation
Q - Quiet?: is nice for sleeping
R - Reason to smile: art
R - Reality TV Show: blaaahhh
S - Song Last Heard: something on Sam's radio
S - Season: Autumn
S - Shoes you're wearing: my completely black Vans
T - Time you woke up: 10 something, but off and on throughout the night <3
T - Time you went to bed: around 1:30 am
T - Time Now: 11:39
U - Unpredictable: celery and peanutbutter. u said unpredictable.. just proving that I am.
V - Vegetable you hate: cooked carrots
V - Vegetable you love: CELERY!
V - Vacation spot: Maine
W - Worst habit: can't say here
W - Where are you going to travel next: I don't friggen know, hopefully New Hampshire again with Sam to see his friends cuz they're nice and fun
X - X-tra special someone: Sam <3
X - X-rays: just my teeth once
Y - Year it is now: 2006
Y - Yellow: Ganger. don't ask.
Z - Zoo Animal: Girraffes
I promise an actual update on the weekend tomorrow. Cuz I have a ton to write about!
<3 VG