Okay so, I swear to god you guys, I played Katamari for 5 hours straight the other day. I missed you video games! (I know that sounds insane coming from me, of all humanity, but you guys seriously should've seen me as a child. We're talking nothing but Tetris and Sonic the Hedgehog all afternoon, every afternoon. Then Game Gear, complete with car-charger hookup for no worries about battery life, the whole way home every night.) I miss being able to play a game for that long and not get bored. Katamari accomplishes this. I'm honestly thinking about getting a Playstation 2 just so I can devote my entire life to it.
I wish I had a Katamari ball so I could roll up everything in the world I like and keep it stuck there forever in a giant indecipherable ball of mayhem and create all the stars in the universe out of it. Hahahha, I sound like some dumb anime bitch.
The Fourth law of Motion- An object, once set into motion will automatically "roll-up" any object in it's path that is of sufficiently lesser size. This has affectionately been dubbed the "Katamari Law".
It was discovered by Albert Einstein on one of his weekly bicycle rides, when he fell off going down a hill and proceeded to "roll-up" a dog, two sheep, and a shepard's crook. Upon rolling up the shepard's crook his downhill roll became uneven and didn't even out until he rolled over a line of giant lego blocks that had been made into a house along the side of the road.
-stolen from Patrick W's journal - aka
dominoparker Work is stupid and makes me all tired and shit, but my dad came today to get me to sign my tax forms and I got free lunch and $5. Today one of the espresso machines kept running out of beans and when it does that it says "refill hopper" and the bucket that the beans were in was empty and I was getting behind on making drinks and one of the other girls was like "What are you doing?" and I was like, "Well, the espresso machine was all like 'REFILL HOPPER!' and I was like 'OKAY!', so I put some more beans in it but it was like 'NO! Feed me!', so... I think we need more beans." and she was all "You were born on Dork Planet, weren't you?" and I was like, "Yes, Natalie. Yes I was." Then I gave her a nasty, vindictive look.
Also, never buy the sandwiches at Barnes & Noble. They're fuckin' gross. Pastries are happiness and cheesecake is true love, but sandwiches... not so much.