Jul 17, 2010 02:28
It's far too quiet around here.
I've tried wailing like a bansidhe. It just earned me a rather tiresome look from Severus.
Must you make that racket, Bella dear?
Yes, darling. Because I'm bored. Bored, bored BORED!
And you snore. Very loudly.
As I don't need sleep anymore, I'm left with at least six hours every day during which I must amuse myself. It's just as well that we discovered I'm kinetic. Imagine not being able to interact with anything? I would go completely mad!
Oh, wait. I did that already.
I'm better now though. Bit of a drastic cure for madness. Not something I'd recommend. And nobody believes me anyway, so I might as well make the most of my freedom. La la la...
Don't worry Sweetheart, I've promised to be good, and I'm keeping my promise. Besides, you don't like it when I attempt to possess the students.