A Love Letter on an Unlocked Post:

Feb 04, 2006 11:45

Dear Inu-Yasha Fandom In General -

It's so nice to know that the wank continues, even when I'm too busy to enjoy it. It thrills me to no end to realize that there will always be bad!fic, diva-fits, overblown author-egos, canon purist-vs-alternate wars, 'ship wars and snarking...and that's just on the normal days. On a really good day, you get defriending, community-banning, deleted posts and tightened f-locks.

I love every part of you. Don't ever change.


PS - If you've never read Sharyn Mccrumb's Bimbos of the Death Sun, you must. It is the best unintentional treatise on fandom ever written.

Son of PS - And yes, I stand behind every comment I've ever made at truckstop_sushi. Keep in mind that there are people out there who think MY writing belongs at the truckstop as well, and they may be right. I don't take it personal - it's just fandom.
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