Nov 22, 2008 19:27
Summit decides to do New Moon...
Los Angeles, CA November 22, 2008 - Summit Entertainment announced today that the studio is officially moving forward with the production of NEW MOON, the second installment of its filmed franchise TWILIGHT, the action-packed, modern day vampire love story. The movie will be based on the second novel in author Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series titled, New Moon. The first movie in the TWILIGHT franchise, the self-titled TWILIGHT, arrived in theaters this weekend to sold-out showings.
Stephenie Meyer stated, "I don't think any other author has had a more positive experience with the makers of her movie adaptation than I have had with Summit Entertainment. I'm thrilled to have the chance to work with them again on NEW MOON."
this is going to be one boring ass movie...
In other news Twilight made 35.7 million on friday x_x...and in Australia Twilight is rated M for mature audiences...HAHAHAHAHAH!!!! seriously??