So I finally figured out what's wrong with my arm. It is swelling and that's why it hurts. I know this sounds horribly stupid that I couldn't recognize this until now but yeah. Where the vaccine was injected it has swelled up and is a bit warm. I think I am having some kind of reaction.
This is kind of unusual as when I asked my doctor if I should expect any reaction she said I shouldn't for the meningitis one. So uh, okay. I guess I'll just wait it out? It sometimes aches when I use the arm muscle there but I don't think I should take another day off for this.
I'm trying to blog more but I'm not exactly leading the most exciting life here. :)
I spent hours creating this PowerPoint presentation about ad designs. Actually I made two. I talked about the Ogilvy layout, the Z layout, and the Illustrated layout. Then I talked about a few rules regarding successful advertising.
I used sites like
Got Ads and
Ads of the World to get high quality examples from. I combed through their pages and found examples of each part I talked about in the presentation.
My prediction: what took hours of my life will be chewed up in 15 minutes.
But anyhow here are some of my favourite ads that I couldn't use because's just not appropriate. (Some I hosted on my own Photobucket account because I don't want to be rude and use up people's bandwidth.)
Save water~Paper fight gone wrong.This one I definitely couldn't use in a classroom.I totally did use this one but it is still cool to share nevertheless. Heart!