Apr 02, 2005 16:30
Yesterday I layed out from 12:30 - 3. I got pretty dark.
Today I layed out from 11 - 2:30 and I am burned as a mother! I am so red I look like a chili pepper!
And ya kno how I am allergic to my adrenylin... like if I get to hot or too cold I get all itchy? Well, I got in the shower and I turned on the cold water and yeah that made me too cold, so I started scratching; not realizing what I was doing, I was like ah crap! so i had these scratch marks on my legs.
To solve this little problem, I turned on some hot water. Well my skin is already like 1000000000000000 degrees [ i can feel the heat radiating off of it] so when I got under the hot water it hit my back and like hurt me really bad and I started scratching, but caught myself so I stopped.
I got out of the shower and dried off and went into my room and layed on my carpet and rubbed my back against it to scratch it. It felt ok, but then I realize it was making the problem worse...
so here i am, trying not to scratch, it takes a great amount of self control, oh goodness now i'm biting my skin, ahhh omg i have to stop! put me in a straight-jacket, actually that might feel good with my skin rubbing up against the clothe... grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! u all were blessed not being allergic to ur frickin adrenylin!!