Movie Critique

May 02, 2008 16:09

Yet another chance for me to critique a movie. This time, however, it is something that just came out. Today. I am talking about Iron Man. Hells yeah. We got some coupons for cheap ass tickets and went to see it this afternoon. And oh my god. It helps that I'm a big Iron Man fan, but god it was good. The effects looked good without being over the top; the story moved along nicely with few holes or "wtf?!" moments; and it was funny. I mean, really funny. Not Hulk funny, where you laughed because it was so ridiculous. Or Spider-man funny, where you laugh because he's such an emo kid. They had some good jokes, humorous situations, and best of all: good acting. I was incredibly impressed with the job everyone did. It definitely felt like Iron Man.

I can't wait for the next one to come already. The only real piece of foreshadowing they did in this one was when Rhodes, Stark's friend, saw the Mark 2 and said, "Next time baby," while he rushed off to help Stark. This means War Machine* should be making an appearance. Another hells yeah.

So yes, go see it. It is as good as the previews look. Also, new Jones trailer that looks awesome as well.

*For those unfamiliar with Iron Man, War Machine is Iron Man's over powered brother (not literally). The suit isn't quite as advanced, but what it lacks in advancement, it makes up for in fire power. So damn awesome.
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