(One-Shot) Hate Me, Do Something About It

Oct 25, 2013 09:31

Title: Hate Me Do Something About It
Group: EXO
Pairing: Baekhyun X Kyungsoo
Rating: PG 13
Word Count: 3000-4000
Warning(s): Adult Language & Content
Description: Kyungsoo is shamelessly in love with Baekhyun, and he doesn't like it to much.

A/N: This is my first time posting here, I have this posted on AFF and received a lot of positive responses. So I hope I can do the same here. ^^

Chapter beta-ed by the lovely miss HunHan16 from 'B e t a ♠ C a f e'. Please do go check the shop out.


Baekhyun made it known to the members of EXO and Kyungsoo himself, his dislike for him.

Why the dislike? Well because the owl eye shorty is helplessly, disappointingly and un-shamefully in love with him.

But although the members are confused as to why he harbors a hatred for their soul foul main vocalist they do not interfere with the twos problem. As long as they continued to perform as one, Baekhyun's little dilemma didn't exist.

"You know you stare an awful lot for a person who hates me?" Kyungsoo says, as he continues his usual routine of making dinner for the twelve member group.

Baekhyun scoffs from his place over at the kitchen table. "I'm not staring, but trying to strangle you with my eyes."

A short laugh cames from Kyungsoo, as he pours the pasta sauce into his pot of cooked ground beef.

"What's funny?" Baekhyun's questions with a grimace.

Kyungsoo shook his head, a smile on his face from his after laugh. "Nothing, just..... oh never mind." He purposely taunts, keeping his mouth shut.

"What? Tell me." The latter demands, still glaring at the other from behind.

"Do you really want to know?" Kyungsoo asks tongue clicked off the roof of his mouth.

Baekhyun annoyingly rolls his eyes, all but amused with this ridiculous round about. "Why else would I be asking?" He humorlessly replies.

"Mm," Kyungsoo hums purposely prolonging to make the other angry.

"Are you going to tell me or what?" Baekhyun's patience wearing thin as Kyungsoo ignores him. Idly side stepping back and forth placing chopped veggies into his shimmering pot.

"Well....I wanted to, but not anymore." He irritatingly answers, ignoring the fact that he had Baekhyun fuming.

The table chair screeched against the white tile floor, Baekhyun moved his way to Kyungsoo, flinging him around with a boisterous scowl on his face -brows connected, his nose flared and blotchy redness peeked beneath the collar of his shirt.

Kyungsoo not startled by the intimidating glare innocently smiles with a tilt of his head. "Is there something I can do for you, hyung?"

Baekhyun wants to release a hellish growl in his face, barking his rage until his ears bleed dry. But a huff is all that comes out. "I swear I hate you." He reminds Kyungsoo once again.

Nonchalantly Kyungsoo shrugs, "so do something about it." He retorts freely wrapping his arms around the latters neck. "I promise I won't hate you back."

Baekhyun mentally hisses, when Kyungsoo's fingers run up the nip of his neck. A disgustingly pained shiver creeping down the tense spinal muscles of his back from the contact.

He pushes against Kyungsoo's waist to make a decent amount of space between them. "Just tell me already." He spits, the last time he's going to ask.

"Nope." Kyungsoo says the 'p' popping at the end as he roughly yanks Baekhyun by his neck, closing the space he made to bring them flesh together once again.

The latter growls in the back of his throat, tickling Kyungsoo to his core. "You disgust me."

"How about I give you a kiss to change your mind?"

Baekhyun's face makes a cross between tempting to accept and smacking Kyungsoo for  making such a suggestion.

"I'd jump off a bridge before I let that happened."

Kyungsoo bites his lip to hold in the grueling need to laugh. "So does that mean I can't have a kiss?"

"Exactly." The latter smirks, pulling Kyungsoo's arms from around his neck. Sashaying from the kitchen with an enthused accomplishment.

Kyungsoo rolls his eyes with a small chuckle, turning back to his scorching pot of spaghetti sauce.


It was a free day in the EXO dorm. Deciding and wanting to get some much needed rest from the public's eye, they took a day of relaxing with loads of junk food. A real pizza-soda-movie galore. Netflix was purchased and seats were taken -sectional and floor. Their movie a comical thriller with laugh out loud moments and inappropriate gestures, to which all twelve were able to lay their eyes upon.

But alas this isn't about the boys' free day or how they've decided to spend it. It's more specifically about how Kyungsoo placed himself in Baekhyun's lap and forced his arms to wrap around his waist, as he snuggled deep into the warm chest.

Forget about the strange looks he was receiving from the others. Forget about the glaring eyes, which shot canon size bullet holes into his skull. Yeah, forget everything because right now Kyungsoo showed no care in the world. His large eyes glued to the TV as he popped kernels of popcorn into his mouth -snickers ever so often.

Baekhyun had sworn he made himself vividly clear about his dislike of the younger one, but obviously not clear enough. Suho seeing red filling his eyes shaking his head 'no', silently asking him not do this now.

Baekhyun's mouth and eyes opened, mentally screaming out loud in disbelief. 'What the hell?' he wanted to yell with a few other profanities, whilst kicking the little creeper off and out of his lap.

But another stern 'no' came from Suho, and again Baekhyun felt he could do nothing but listen to him. He grumbled angrily and annoyed, sinking down into the couch with the one-hundred and thirty-two pounds of weight on top of his lap.

Two hours later and the second movie well off to a good start, Baekhyun could no longer pay attention. Everyone telling him not to do it. And by what not to do? Well let's just say it involved a gruesome scene of adulterated horror, or that's what he thought.

The latter was tense and clammy in his own skin. The little one above him squirming unnecessary in his lap, making unwanted friction. Baekhyun certain Kyungsoo was doing it on purpose, but in actuality he was only vibrating with laughter.

He groaned, his head hitting the back of the soft cushion. The small noise surprisingly catching Kyungsoo's attention.

His head tips back off Baekhyun's shoulder and turns to the side. "Baekkie are you okay?"

Baekhyun frowns to the disliked nickname, scoffing under his breath with a roll of his eyes.

"No I'm not, and you're the cause." He says flat and hushed like.

A purse of frowned lips forms on Kyungsoo's face. He turns in his seat, coming to straddle the latter with an animal like knee-ness.

"What's wrong? Do you not like the movie?" The younger says, as if not just five seconds ago, Baekhyun hadn't told him he was his annoyance.

"Get off me," he hissed quietly. Not wanting to disturb the rest of them and also not wanting to get caught the the main leader's attention -Suho a wolf in disguise.

"So you don't like the movie?" Kyungsoo making his own notions and allegations to Baekkie's crabby mood.

The latter bites his bottom lip in rage; hands lifting indirectly to strangle the purposely naive boy.

Kyungsoo giggles, Baekhyun's hands and arms are so closely wrapping themselves around his neck and shoulders. "Aww Byun-Byun if you wanted a hug, you should've just said so." He goes to initiate a hug the other one clearly didn’t ask for.

Baekhyun is all lost for words, when the short arms and small hands tingle around his shoulders. A warm breeze settling into the junction of his neck.

"All better," the shorty coos, a sly mischievous smile to his lips. A dark sparked intention beginning to arise within his noggin. "Baekkie," he seductively whispers into his ear, bodies dangerously close together.

But just as he quick as his devious plans were thought up, its opportunity to take full effect vanished in the blink of an eye.

Kyungsoo's small body hitting the floor with the whimper of an 'ouch,’ and Baekhyun storming out of the room with a hidden beet red face.

"You okay hyung," Sehun was the one to ask. Kyungsoo turned to the maknae unaffected, his smile turning to a wide grin. "My plan was sullied."

Sehun nodded, although seeing the complete opposite.


Kyungsoo's spur of the moment plan was a bust; but he wasn't willing to admit defeat. So Baekhyun didn't like him because maybe he had the courage to openly express his undying feelings for him.

So what.

But why was it his fault that he had the balls to step to the plate and go after what he wants?

Kyungsoo sat at the kitchen table for hours, contemplating what he needed to do for Baekhyun to stop being such a loser and by dammit like him.

He was going out of his way to even paying closer attention to his looks. Forcing himself to go to bed befor eight to gathering extra hours of beauty sleep. Waking up super early to have a morning run, to slim and tone his muscles in needed areas. Eating foods he disliked, and wearing clothes that were just too tight.

Okay maybe he enjoy the tight clothes that showed off his sexy figure quit well. But that was beside the point. It was the fact that he was doing all this for a dork who had the balls to say he hated him.

For Christ sakes how could trying hard for someone be frowned upon. Baekhyun was seriously twisted, and Kyungsoo kind of liked it.

Moping about, Kyungsoo found himself coming face down to a fluff of a pillow, but not his own. Baekhyun's to be exact. The boy craving to be with him, and his only relief was the lingering smell of milk honey scented shampoo left on the small cloud.

"You're so stupid Byun Baekhyun." He mumbled into the pillow. Suffocating himself with the aroma, not willing to come up for air. If he died now he couldn't be more than happy to be leaving with the smell of Baekhyun dancing up his nose.

Unaware of the person entering the room, as he childishly rolled around and muttered about in the used-to-be made bed, the pillow was harshly yanked from his hands. Letting him breath decently.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" The person growled.

Kyungsoo's large eyes fluttered vigorously open with the sight that beheld him. Baekhyun dressed in a white cotton and crystal clear water beads. His milky skin exposed with rippling faint etched muscles. His dark hair slicked back from his face with the help of the refreshing shower. His facial expression hard, but deadly sexy.

Kyungsoo felt his insides explode something craziness. He stared at the pissed elder with a bewildered expression. The immaculate sight before him surely not real at all.

Testing his state of mind, with a timid bite of his lips, he reached out his hand to touch the wet skin. Yelping when the smooth warm touch of Baekhyun's stomach hadn't disappeared with the allusion in front of him.

"It's really you," he whispered with large amazed eyes.

"No shit Sherlock." Baekhyun scoffs.

"Are you trying to kill me?!" Kyungsoo exclaimed, blushing a heated red. Hiding his eyes between spaced fingers.

"If I could I would." Baekhyun told him, drawing his arms across his chest. Still awaiting Kyungsoo's answer.

Baekhyun begin to grow annoyed, which he already was when he stepped into his room to find Kyungsoo tumbling around in his military style made bed. Something that took him a whole two weeks to perfect. "Hey creeper, I'm asking you what the hell are you doing in my bed?"

Kyungsoo finally seemed to snap out his ogling state hearing the word creeper hit his ears. "Hey I'm not a creeper." He scowls seating Indian style in the bed, with his arms crossed disapprovingly across his chest.

"Then how do you explain being hugged up with another person's pillow?" Baekhyun pointedly says with a raised brow.

"First off, I wasn't hugged up with your pillow. I was merely smelling it. And secondly, I'm not a creeper, I just so happened to unconsciously make my way to your room rather than my own." Kyungsoo huffed as if what he's saying is perfectly normal.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes smacking the other in the face with the said pillow. "Whatever just get out." He tells him, walking his way to his dresser.

"Heyy," Kyungsoo whined falling back from the unready impact. "Do you know how much I’ve worked on my face to get it this nice? And here you are throwing pillows at it. How rude."

Baekhyun snorts to the younger's small lecture. He was having the nerve to call someone rude. "I can't be as rude as you." He replied.

"Yah I'm not rude. I told you how I got here. Plus no one slapped you with a pillow. So who's the rude one here?"

"Still you." Baekhyun flatly answered. "Now get out, I would like to get dressed."

"No," Kyungsoo stubbornly said. Rooting himself to the confines of Baekhyun's bed.

"I've must have heard wrong?" The latter questions looking to Kyungsoo over his shoulder. "Did you just say no?"

Kyungsoo, a brave one, puckered up his lips confidently. "Yes I did. I'm not leaving and you can't make me. I demand that you apologize to me first and tell me you like me." He says in all seriousness.

Astound that the little creep was demanding such things in his room no less, had his blood raging. "Who the hell do you think you are?" Baekhyun hissed.

"Do Kyungsoo, nice to meet you, asswhole." Kyungsoo said just as angrily, tired with Baekhyun at this moment.

"What did you just call me?" He pivots on his heels.

Kyungsoo snorts, rolling his eyes. "What? Can't you hear?"

"Oh I can hear. I was just making sure before I kicked your ass."

"Uh, as if you would get the privilege of touching it." Kyungsoo mocked, stepping up to Baekhyun as he did to him.

"And what makes you think I even want such a thing. Have I not made myself clear about hating you?" He growled looking down to the shorter.

"Well you can't hate me, cause I'm cute and hot and damn it everyone likes me. Even you Byun Baekhyun so....so just fess up and stop trying to hurt my feelings!" He yelled poking the other in the chest as he spoke.

"I don't like you!" Baekhyun yells back, wanting it to get imprinted in Kyungsoo's head.

"You do!"

"I don't!"

"You do!"

Their argument went on for some time. Until they both found themselves in a clutching mess upon Baekhyun's bed. Both panting harshly with labored frustrated breathing. Glaring at each other, not willing to give in.

"Just admit that you like me." Kyungsoo was the first to speak after their short intermission.

"I said I don't fucking like you." Baekhyun retorted back.

"You do, and I will prove it." Kyungsoo tells him, smashing their lips together, before Baekhyun had time to protest.

Baekhyun froze in place as their lips came to press together. Kyungsoo's lips soft like the inside of a rose and plump like a newly made marshmallow, beneath his thin ones. His refusal to not fall into the kiss failed as his eyes gradually began to close.

Kyungsoo wrapped his thin arms around his neck pressing them closer to deepen the kiss. The firm squishy flesh starting to move on top of each other in a hesitant pace. Kyungsoo unsure if it was okay, Baekhyun questioning how lips could feel this good.

But they continued on, the latter cuffing the left side of Kyungsoo's cheek as his head tilted the opposite direction. Tongue dragging over the swollen skin -a hint of cinnamon lingering on them. Kyungsoo moaned as his top heavy lip was captured between Baekhyun's. The latter sucking onto the flesh like a blow pop.

Baekhyun was unsure what come over him or how he had so quickly become addicted to the others lips. Maybe it was the feel, or how they are soft to the touch, but yet firm enough to be chewed on. Or maybe it was the taste that shyly glistened with hidden flavors in there creases. Or could it be the way they fluidly move with his own; or just that there was a simple bright pinkish color that sparkled with the dressing of his saliva that fascinated him. Either way he still thought the quick attention to Kyungsoo's lips was unlike him.

The moment their lips broke apart, along with heavy pants and lagging breaths. Kyungsoo's closed eyes fluttered opened, staring up to the wood

brown ones faded above him. Untangling one of his arms to place a hand to the unspoken one’s cheek, caressing it with gentleness.

"Was I wrong?" He asked ending their silence.

Baekhyun's spaced out mind pulled out to gaze at Kyungsoo. Hesitant, the answer at the tip of his tongue. "I...I like your lips, but I still hate you." He replies.

Kyungsoo pouts, bottom lips puckering up teasingly to Baekhyun, as he observed them with watchful eyes.

"You're unfair," Kyungsoo whines. "You clearly like me, because no one who hates another person kisses them like that and also says they like their lips. You can't like one part of me and not lik-" "Shut up." Baekhyun interrupts Kyungsoo's rant that scratches at his ears. "You're so annoying."

Kyungsoo's puckered bottom lip comes to tremble and falls into a sadden pout, as his eyes glisten with tears.

"You're really mean Byunnie." Kyungsoo's voice cracks, the younger snapping and crumbling under the tired hatred. His long awaited kiss was amazing, but Baekhyun ruined it with one word.

"Are you really crying?" Profundity racked Baekhyun's brain. Through their months of chasing and not wanting to be caught, this had to be the one time Kyungsoo ever cried.

"No... it's rain you idiot." Kyungsoo sniffled, nose going red as he tried to hold back his tears.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes, lifting himself up to get off Kyungsoo, but getting pulled back down by a fuming shorty.

"You hurt my feelings, aren't you going to apologize?"

Baekhyun's brow arched, "and why should I?"

Kyungsoo's eyes glared something awful. "Because you owe me that much." He roughly pulls at Baekhyun's hair. "I've put up with a lot of your shit Byun. And I'm tired of you not even giving me the common courtesy to acknowledge my feelings. Do you know how much that hurts? It's not like I just rolled over one morning and decided to like you. You think you hate me, your shit doesn't even compare to what I feel for you. I never wanted to like you; I never wanted to stay up during late nights and only think of you. I never wanted my heart to accept the fact that no matter how hard I tried, it wanted nothing else but you. I hate you for making me feel like this. I hate you for being such a douchebag, but yet still let my heart waver for you. I hate that I love you and you won't even try to love me back." Kyungsoo's tears finally toppling over. "Y-you won't ev-even try and I...I hate you for that. I'm trying so hard b-but......" The younger one gave up trying to explain his feelings any longer. What is the us; Baekhyun would only brush him off as a mere annoyance again.

His arms falling loose from around the latter's neck, getting up from the bed, not able to look at him any further.

To say Baekhyun felt bad, wasn't defining the definition of guilt that hung over his head. He felt like he got shot through the chest, his body flung afterwards to be trampled on by a herd of wild running bulls, elephants, zebras and a single gazelle.

Why did he feel like this?

Okay... maybe he wasn't that honest with himself and the roadblock that is Do Kyungsoo.

As to why Kyungsoo is dubbed a roadblock to him......

Well let's just say, Baekhyun noticed Kyungsoo before there was even EXO. Before there was a potential lead singer named D.O. Before there was a trainee who was 5'6, who had large brown owl eyes that always looked surprised and who was shy, but still found a way to shine through the borderline of not being noticed. Who sung with an earth shaking force, but laughs with an angel’s softness.

Do Kyungsoo is the blockade that holds Baekhyun back and swallows him in his own cowardice ways. Disabling him to move forward, to open his damn mouth and say 'maybe I don't hate you. Maybe I love you, but I'm too much of a coward to tell you that.'

Or maybe none of that is true and Baekhyun only found he fell for the little creeper and couldn't come to terms with that 'yeah maybe Kyungsoo's pushy ways grew on him.' Just a little tiny bit or a whole lot. And he came to hate himself and became pissy for letting Kyungsoo slip his little hands around his heart.

He sighs, if there was anytime better than this moment to admit he had some type of feelings for the boy beneath him, and whether he liked it or not, right now was the perfect time to say it.

"Soo?" The call is like a whisper in the wind. He goes to call the younger's name again when he doesn't answer. Lips sweeping down the receiver, voice softly speaking the shorters name once more. "Soo?" A shiver is felt coursing through Kyungsoo's body, but yet he does not answer. Not done letting his heart spill out all its pent up frustration.

But Baekhyun has no time for that. Right now he is trying to give him the affection he's been so desperately trying to obtain and he surely couldn't do that with a crying Kyungsoo under him. He decided if being forward was the way he liked to attack, why not throw it back at him.

A smirk on his lips and his body falls flat on top of Kyungsoo's. The younger's lower thigh pushing against his freshly washed nether region. Mischievously, biting his lips, he begins to slowly thrust his hips. A growl of a moan vibrating deep in the back of his throat as his tongue goes down into Kyungsoo's ear with a streamed breath.

He flicks his tongue over the soft lobe. Licking his way up to the bendable tissue to sink tender fangs into it. Kyungsoo seems to respond by coiling

into himself with a timid squirm and a low whimper. He sniffles the last of his tears, finally noticing thrusting upon his leg and the wetness coating his ear.

Baekhyun smirks as an official moan breaks from the younger's mouth. "Ba-Baekhyun..." He is cut off when he turns to question the elder but his lips are caught in the process. Kyungsoo mewls as his body gradually begins to respond back to the other and they are placed front to front. Lips detach when Kyungsoo pushes a hand to Baekhyun's shoulder, lifting him away.

"Wh-hat are...."

"You hate me, right? So I'm doing something about it. Isn't that what you told me before?"

Kyungsoo stupidly ponders on the said phrase. Not remembering saying that as he said too many things to keep up with all of them.

Baekhyun rolls his eyes, "you don't remember do you?"

The younger's red eyes widen and a light blush overtakes his cheeks. "Sorry," he looked away shamefully. "I don't."

The latter frowns. "Does your mouth just work on autopilot and you just spit out anything without notice?"

"Hey! I can't help it. You made me that way. You're a jerk and always threatening to kill me that I said whatever came out first. So if I don't remember, it's because it’s always impulsive. Plus I can't just sit there and let you hurt my feelings can I?"

"Then why all of sudden? Why did you let what I said to you, out of all times, bother you? It's not like I haven't said worse."

Kyungsoo's face went five shades darker. "Well be-because w-we kissed and it was great, but then you ruined it. It was a really amazing kiss and it felt good to feel your lips on mine and oh my gosh you even licked me and I thought my heart would leap out my chest and slap me awake, but it never came. And I was so ecstatic to find out it wasn't some crazy figment of my imagination. And damn it felt damn fucking good, but you...." he stops his crazy roundabout of frantic words to displeasingly scowl at the latter and poke him in his still naked broad chest. "You just had to mess up my bliss moment. Why are you like that? Why can't you just like me? I'm a freaking amazing person and a damn good catch. So like me, Byun Baekhyun or I'll make your life a living hell." He ended with all seriousness. It was him or nobody at all. To say Kyungsoo was a little love crazy, was putting it gently. He was really a psycho at this point.

Baekhyun snorts, because this is exactly how Kyungsoo grabbed a whole of him. Bossing his way into his heart, giving him no other choice, but to at some point like him back.

"Sorry," was the reply to Kyungsoo's long rant. A 'sorry' which he wasn't expecting nor did he like.

"Sorry, sorry for what?" He crosses his arms over his chest, bluntly telling Baekhyun to elaborate on this sorry of his.

The latter sighs, if this is what he wanted, he was going to get it. Even if it gave him a bitter taste on his tongue.

"I am sorry for saying things like, ‘I hate you,’ and always promising to take your life. It was mean and cruel and uncalled for. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings and swear to never do it again. How's that?" He ends it with a fake smile.

Kyungsoo stares, a click of his tongue. "Mm~ That's all nice and dandy, but you're not telling me what I want to hear. And you know what I want to hear." He yanks the other down by the hold of his neck. "Now say it." He bossily demands.

"Come on just say it. Stop making it so hard on yourself." Kyungsoo coaxes his chill fingers to slide down the elders spine..

The latter swallows loud. Reluctant to milk out his slightly spiteful feelings for the forceful shorty beneath him.

He scoffs and if things were being said right now; he would be saying 'you are mine.'

"...I like you damn it. Happy now?" The confession short and brief, as he looks at him straight in the eyes with a light blush coating his cheeks.

Kyungsoo would be lying if he said the uncaring confession was to his liking. Because it wasn't, but knowing what to expect from Baekhyun, when the time came for him to finally admit he loved/liked (whatever), he took it.

Grinning and giddy like a schoolgirl, he squeezes his tight arms around Baekhyun's neck. "Really, you really like me?!"

Baekhyun wordlessly nods, sighing as his weight falls flat on top of Kyungsoo again. His face burying in his shoulder. "This is so embarrassing." He face is burning with a red heat. Kyungsoo just giggles more, clamping tight to the elders body. "Aww it's not so bad. My babe is cute." He cooed in a childish tone of voice.

"Babe? Who's your babe?" Baekhyun quickly rose up to question.

"You of course," Kyungsoo says pecking his lips in the process. "Your officially mine, Byun Baekhyun, got it?" He winks with a forever wide smile. "Now let's kiss and makeup, " He makes a cute squishy kissy face tilting upward.

Baekhyun groans, giving in thinking, 'why not.' Lips lightly touching, until Kyungsoo took the incentive to smash them harder together. Both melting in their own silly way.

It wasn't long until Baekhyun found himself teasingly nipping at the rosy flesh once again. Growling when his fangs drag over the surface of the wet skin.

Although enjoying the arousing lip play his babe was giving him, he wanted more. To slid his hot tongue into the latter's moist cavern and taste the sweetness from his mouth.

Ha, and don't think he didn't do just that. A quick draw of body movements had Baekhyun laid to his back with confused wide eyes.

Kyungsoo grins. "Sorry, I'm a bit aggressive. If you don't figure it out." He smirks, lunging forward to dive deep within Baekhyun's mouth, per say his throat to be exact. The latter feeling he admitted himself into something he shouldn't have.

baekhyun, kyunghyun, baeksoo, kyungsoo, exo
