Dec 04, 2005 21:37
so army lost and my toes almost froze off, but the weekend in Philly was fun. For some reason the navy fags wore their uniforms around the city on friday night, so i had a good time making fun of them. also, Florida State won the ACC, which is amazing considering they lost 4 games, AAAAAAAAND the Bucs won today, so they're still in the playoff hunt which is good. Plus that means that the game I get to go to against the Falcons will still have some meaning, which is exciting.
it snowed last night, and we're supposed to get a blizzard tomorrow. don't be fooled, I am in no way excited about this. I was really hoping that maybe it wouldn't snow at all this year.
one more week of classes, it's gonna go by fast. then...finals. uuuuuugh. here's to the 15th.