My birthday went pretty well.
Last night I went to the temptations revue concert with kayte.
haha, I really didn't excpect it to be as fun as it was. & we were pretty much the only non trashy white people in the VIP area which was funny. Talk about feeling out of place. I would of taken pictures if my camera on my phone wasn't so god damn shitty. and the zoom is retarted. haha I really wanted to show the oultfits they had on. Pink jackets with this sequin design on them. talk about motown. and matching...of course.
So my brother is in south korea, for those of you who didn't know. and He just sent me and e-mail saying happy birthday and things and I figured I should post a picture of him in a bar drunk pretty much off his ass. cuz it made my day. he's the tall one in the back with the white t-shirt on, standing to our left of the guy in the blue shirt.
mmm I miss getting into fights with him lol.
well, that's about it, nothing else really new.
now I'm going to go, because I'm going out on the boat with kim and kaitlyn! and I'm super excited about it. I can drive it to, which I forgot, but I just found my boaters liscense.