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anonymous December 15 2009, 23:37:45 UTC
I hope this isn't too awkward ;_; I had to find an entry I could comment anonymously on without being screened so that I could see your reply, and uh, yeah. Sorry.

Anyway! I have you for the miracle_ss exchange, and I had a question. I emailed the exchange to ask you, like, forever ago, and I don't know if they just never emailed you the question, or if they just never emailed me back your reply or whatever. I had to take it upon myself to bother you to get an answer since the deadline is fast approaching o/

You requested a dystopical alternate universe-- would you prefer a dystopia in the style of 1984/Fahrenheit 451, with massive government control and censorship, or one more along the lines of A Clockwork Orange, with considerably less control, more free thought, etc.? Somewhere in the middle? ... or does it not really matter, and am I putting way too much thought into a prompt I still might not even write?

Alternatively, for the high school AU prompt... a Korean-style high school?

Please get back to me as soon as you can, so that I can get this fic finished up for you :D


black_goose December 15 2009, 23:45:37 UTC
ahahaha omg you really are putting thought into this ♥ (makes me happy)! I'd prefer something along the lines of 1984, since there's more room for rebellion, which is always good.

I don't really mind what kind of high school. A Korean school would be awesome, but if you're more comfortable writing an American high school, or even a British secondary school, then that's fine. I just like fics set in schools XD



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