I'm not going to finish it guys. I'm really sorry but i don't want to write it anymore : / To be honest i don't have ANY idea why I'm writing in english. Maybe because I'm lacking lessons with Mr. Kittnell :/
I'm sick but i don't feel very bad. Just little depressed without any reason. Don't ask why, coz even I don't know why. Maybe it's caused by OH SO LOVELY weather. I'm sitting in the kitchen now. Random is random. Lately I've gotten into games very much. Now, because of sickness I'm playing 3-4 h per day. And sewing the rest of day ( I don't count sleep as doing something actualy). My current obsessions are Persona 2 & 4 but I'm playing only P4 now. It's awesome, that's all i can say. Maybe I'll draw some comics from these as a reviev. It's really nice idea xD
Something I drew with today : D
fariska img96.imageshack.us/img96/7790/yayy.jpg