Feb 28, 2005 19:33
i have a fever! wooo! *coff coff*
today at lunch i went to the nurce at school, she took my temp, 98.9 , she said that is normal; normal for the ashton is 96.7 , also i got an icepack for my ankel ... i have HORRIBLY weak ankles. so i when threw the rest of the day. when i got home, i had a fever, i colaped in my moms arms and she had me sit down and take some blue icky liquid (dont know what its called) then i when in my room to do my home work, little did i know that about 15 min.s into doing alg2 math i fell asleep on it, its all soggy (i drolled)[hehe]. i felt like shit, yet i can still smile. i dont know if my mom will let me go to school tomorrow