Jul 07, 2006 11:18
so the past couple of days have been very stressful for me. i've been workin my two jobs and getting little sleep and going through more drama than need b. the night of the 3rd well into the 4th i had a break down and realized how much i really detest my dad. it's nothing new to most, but that night i really found out how much i really can't stand how he acts sometimes...or most times rather. it was...enlightening to say the least.
newayz, i'm going through phase 2 of my summer plans 2morrow. phase 1 already happened on the 24th of last month and it wasn't as bad as i (and everyone else) thought it would b, but i'm actually a little scared of going through with 2morrow. oh well wish me the best y'all will c all of changes come august (7wks & 3das :D).
last but not least i'm posing a questions to all who feel like answering. is it possible to love someone but not care about them. i mean seriously. i've been sitting her at my desk and this song popped in my head and i just started thinkin' bout this person and i mean i really like him, but at the same time i'm over him if that makes any sense. is that possible?? well i should get back to work and stop wondering bout things that i can't do nothin' bout. more later and pics of my friends wedding should b up on facebook and communitywebshots soon for those that care.