Things everyone has already seen, but this time next year, I will find my links to them and remember:
Prop 8: The Musical, with AJ and NPH. Other folks too.
Foster's Home Macy's Parade Rick Roll+
Sesame Street does 30 Rock.
Taylor Kitsch as Gambit in the new Wolverine movie.
Tagged by
melliyna People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blog and replace any question that they dislike with a new, original question.
b. Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.
1. What are your nicknames? Mum calls me Elsie, Dad calls me Princess. G calls me Aurora when he's after something ;)
2. How do you style your hair? Normally I just blowdry it in some approximation of straight and turned mostly in. It's a couple of inches above my shoulders, and if I didn't have to work, I'd probably just let it dry itself. I do the headband thing occasionally though.
3. What's new in your life right now? Well, I moved back to Oxford 2.5 months ago, and started a job. It all still feels pretty new. Sometimes, anyway. It depends on the length of the day.
4. How do you organise your DVDs/books? Books by author's last name, and place in series if applicable. Obviously with Fiction seperated from non-fiction, and poetry, drama and comics in their own sections as well. DVDs alphabetical, with TV and documentary/misc seperate from films. Alphabetical gets a little hazier where film series are involved though. And since I moved, everything's gone to pot anyway. It's chaos, and it's sloooowly driving me mad.
5. Do you need music to study/write? Generally, yeah. I have various fandom playlists to write to, and when I studied, I had one for studying. Otherwise I sit with the TV/sports news on in the background to keep me company.
6. What was the last book you read? That I finished? The Graveyard Book, by Neil Gaiman. It's beautiful, and odd, and not a little sad. Plus I will always love Neil, because he was so incredibly sweet when I saw him at a signing a few years ago. I do wish I could finish the other books lying around me though.
7. Do you cook a lot? Well, I prepare my own food a lot. But I wouldn't call it cooking. It's more of a boil water for pasta, microwave a sauce type of affair.
8. Do you have a crush at the moment? Nope. Perfectly happy that way.
9. Is there anything that has made you happy these days? Um. Oh, my mommy sent me a care package: chocolate, advent calendar, warm socks, face scrub, christmas decoration, and a Debenhams card with the instruction to buy something that wasn't black. I.e. not work clothes. It actually made me cry, but I do love her.
10. What was the last thing you ate today? ... a toffee waffle biscut, with my cup of tea.
11. What’s your morning routine? On a work day? Music alarm, real alarm, real real alarm. Drag self from bed and into shower (unless I managed to ignore too many alarms for too long). Blowdry hair, get dressed, put on makeup. Eat bagel and tea/coffee, while watching Sky Sports News. Find coat, hat, and gloves. Plug in iPod and decide on appropriate walking-to-work music (lately either Death Cab or the Christmas music). Walk to work. On a non-work day I prefer not to see the morning.
12. What websites do you visit daily? LJ, Hotmail, Gmail. LJseek and Delicious. Both my brothers' blogs. Some combination of Empire, TVSquad, DigitalSpy, TVShowsOnDVD. Maybe XKCD, Penny Arcade, PVP etc if I have time.
13. What classes are you taking right now? And if you're not in school anymore, what's your job? I'm a box office assistant in a regional receiving theatre.
14. Do you like to clean? I like the house to be clean, and I don't mind doing it if I have the time and nothing else I'm in a hurry for.
15. What do you want for Christmas? That I'm probably getting: West Wing boxset, other stuff from Amazon, and maybe a jewellery box. In the 'things I can't afford' category, I want a region-unlocked BluRay player, and even more DVDs. And a completed novel. You know, small things.
16. What are you daydreaming about right now? Eric and Vince stranded in New York in the snow. Merlin foursomes, my Yuletide fic that I haven't started writing yet.
17. Who was your childhood idol? Princess Leia.
18. Where would you like your next holiday to be? Boston and New York. Or California and Disney again. I love Disney so much.
19. What is your dream car? One I can drive. I am not a car person, but it'd be nice to know how.
20. Tell me something you love about the person who tagged you. Her warmth and humour. Her passion for knowledge and other people's libraries. Her love of AU :)
I tag: (who hasn't done it?)