"The judges will decide / The likes of me abide"

Sep 01, 2008 00:16

Trip to Oxford no.1 is tomorrow (today), and I'm back to being freaked out. Mostly, in this instance, for the fairly justifiable reason that they keep refusing to take my call, accept my deposit, and therefore guarantee that they're going to release the keys. I don't especially want to sleep on the streets tomorrow night. Plus I have two job interviews on Tuesday, and I need to buy some stuff for the flat (assuming I get in), and go talk to the temp agency if they tell me quickly that I have no job.

I'm currently researching internet, and being aggravated by the need to add the BT line rental to every nice-looking broadband package. This is a much more complicated process than it needs to be. And I lost yesterday's planning time because my extended family decided that they needed a combined gathering/organised team games day. Yeah, for serious. :|

So Entourage S4 watching (Eric ILY ♥), plus meme:

Post the first line from your 20 most recent fanfics and try to find a pattern.

1. Captain Hammer has a hand around his throat, but it doesn’t seem like his heart’s in it.
( Reputations for destruction, Dr Horrible)

2. The rain thudded dully against Ted’s window, matching the dull grey skies, and nothing in the world was convincing him to go outside.
( Out of the Rain, How I Met Your Mother)

3. It’s not that it’s an especial taboo anymore.
( Only if you smile (and say please), Entourage)

4. Dan has read Freud.
( Daniel in the Lion's Den, Gossip Girl)

5. Sixteen, and Eric was laughing and looking at Vince through the frame his hands made.
( Looking Back at You, Entourage)

6. Cristina is evil.
( What good girls do, Grey's Anatomy)

7. Chuck’s not surprised to find himself here.
( Days like these, Gossip Girl)

8. He knows that it’s Bryce.
( Liars of us all, Chuck)

9. The first letter, just the fact of Sam’s handwriting is enough.
( The opposite of between the lines, West Wing)

10. Tony is so late to the premiere that he really only makes the party.
( Superhero Fanboy, Iron Man/Entourage)

11. Chuck was pressed face down onto the eight hundred thread count sheets.
( Every touch a welcome bruise, Gossip Girl)

12. The three of them were just drunk enough to think investigating the archives was a good idea.
( Cold, Torchwood)

13. Her divorce has been official for two months by the time she works up the courage to call him.
( If not, leave him for me, Gossip Girl)

14. He has to move.
( Every Death but One, Dr Horrible)

15. Vince was waiting in Eric’s room when he got back.
( You only trust me with your eyes closed, Entourage)

16. Jack Carter was thirty seven years, three months, and six days old.
( We Only Seek to Answer, Eureka/Pushing Daisies)

17. She was going to visit her mother.
( And I Know Too Much (To Go Back and Pretend), Eureka)

18. Tony is drunk.
( The Greater Compliment, Iron Man)

19. Sam disappeared sometimes.
( Hell is here (wherever you're not), Reaper)

20. Jack was hovering by the door of his lab.
( Should something strange begin, Eureka)

And that takes us way back to March, including Porn Battle but excluding some comment-fic. It tells us... well, I don't know what it tells us. There are quite a lot of short sentences, meant to tease for whatever's going on/being talked about. There's no particular rule about whether it contains the name of the POV character, the name of the other character, or something else entirely. Generally the first sentence is really a set-up for the second or third, where the elaboration of the scene happens. They don't tend to have a lot of detail, although there are exceptions to that. Oh. None of these sentences are dialogue. Now that is interesting. Hmmm.... Oh well. Anyone see any interesting trends?

Oh, hypothetically, would anyone be interested in beta-ing a Heroes fic in the next week or so, to be ready before S3 starts? Nathan & Peter, with some Sylar and ensemble, background Matt/Mohinder. I can't tell anymore whether any of it is worth reading...

real life: hysterics, real life: jobhunt, real life: family things, writing: meta, oxford, fandom: meme

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