"Let me explain... No, there is too much. Let me sum up"

Jul 08, 2008 23:56

Am feeling particularly pathetic today. The house illness has finally spread to me and this morning I would happily have taken a knife to my temple if it would've helped the ache. Thankfully the heavy-duty painkillers dulled it to a low ickiness. Complete with many tissues, cups of tea, and a viewing of 'The Princess Bride'.

I kind of have seventeen things I feel I should say but lack the energy to write them all now, or the cruelty to spam you guys as I finish. So I decided to write a drabble on each instead :) One hundred words on each of the following:

See the icon? I was reading Entourage in Yuletide before I'd seen more than half an episode, and recently picked up the S1&2 boxset for cheap. Now I'm a third of the way through S3 and me and the brothers don't know what we'll do when we finish. Eric is my sweetheart, but I can't work out if it's more empathy or the other thing. He’s a complete cutie, and in love with the beautiful but flaky Vince, so he ends up being all heartbroken and trampled upon. While also being a small angry Irish redhead who occasionally owns Ari. ;)

Heroes Season 2
There were pieces I liked plenty, but not consecutively. Except ‘Eight Months Ago’. Plus, it happily did not explain why Matt and Mohinder were sharing an apartment and raising a daughter together. So I am free to imagine their epic love story. Awful Irish accents. Nathan and Peter barely spoke. It was just less fun than Season 1, with few ‘did that really just happen?’ moments. Is it so much to ask that they give me ‘Days of Future Past’, with a Peter/Sylar team-up to rescue everyone else when the government bags and tags them? In my head it’s fabulous.

Lost, Chuck, Gossip Girl & Pushing Daisies
‘Lost’, on the other hand, really picked up its game this season, to the point where I once again am curious about what’s going to happen. Though I wish Jack&Sawyer had more scenes together. ‘Chuck’ was nice and light and funny, plus it has great college-era Chuck/Bryce fic. ‘Gossip Girl’ (and ‘One Tree Hill’) are fun to watch with brothers, plus Blair has awesome hairbands, and we like Rufus. Well, Brother1 wants to be Rufus. ‘Pushing Daisies’ had way too short a season, but it was also lots of fun. (Still don’t know that I should have written it though.)

Life and writing
Well, I spent this evening changing my CV again, and writing a covering letter. I really hate those parts. And I am tempted to go live on the streets of Cardiff until Captain Jack finds me and lets me join Torchwood. I’ve been writing fanfic, which is nice, but not as much of a life-achievement as finishing a short-story/screenplay. I have some competitions to enter, but no entries. Oh, I went to a friend’s birthday soiree (and reaffirmed that 22 and practically teetotal is a bad state to play drinking games…), and also saw other friends. Which is good, right?

Meta response: LJ fandom and fannish drift
seperis has a metafandomed entry here sort of about the demarcation between fandom pre and post LJ. Which got me thinking (not enough to participate!). About how, before I joined LJ in 2005, fandom didn’t really exist for me. I read a lot of fic, and posted some, but it wasn’t communal in anything like the same way. I don’t think I drifted around in the same way (now I am automatically interested in anything my flist recommends, or ‘fandom’ seems to be playing with in flistflist or yuletide or pornbattles - my Amazon wishlist got wacky in just this way). But I didn’t come here from XF or SV, so I do kind of wonder what my base fannish assumptions are, sliding in from canon-centric West Wing fic. Or if they’re still there at all, now I’ve spent so much time in other places (especially Stargate and Harry Potter and all those nutty AU and non-canon pairings places). My writing is very different now, (see me cringe at my early works), and what I read as well. If I go back now and read stuff I loved back in 2003, it’s surprising how little of it holds up as well as I’d thought. Which is a really long (more than 100 words) way of saying: I love what I get from LJ, up to an including a bookshelf and wishlist full of things I’d never have heard of otherwise. And I love you guys, whatever fandom we found each other in ♥

Link of legendary importance
Dr. Horrible!! Neil Patrick Harris! Nathan Fillion! Felicia Day! Joss and other Whedons! (Zack and Jed). Joss has a rep company and he uses it to make supervillian musicals :) (What? That isn't everyone's dream?)

lost, heroes, real life: news links, meta, chuck, dr horrible, entourage, whedonverse, real life: no plans, gossip girl, real life: anywhere but here, writing: meta

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