"No shooting, no shooting! I'm susceptible to bullets!"

Jun 12, 2008 21:51

Skinner: And Lisa, you have a choice. You may continue to be challenged in third grade, or return to second grade and be merely a big fish in a little pond.
Lisa: Big fish! Big fish!

(I love that quote - it makes me nod every time.)

In other words, for my next trick, should I go for a smallfandomfest prompt that I can write in 1,500 words or so? One with a nice m/m slash pairing? Or something tricky and potentially long and maybe even het?

I have my eye on this crossover prompt. But, as is my way (as in yuletide madness, pornbattle, and etc) I have collected a few pages worth of 'things which could be fun'. Pretty boyslash (comic book movies!), angsty boyslash (mostly TV), and a few femslash and threesomes.

writing: process stories

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