Year in fic meme

Jan 01, 2008 22:36

Stolen from myself, last year, and entangled_now.

Full-length stories written: 23

Chapters of Multi-part fic finished: 3 of 3.

Shorts: 8 for the porn-battle, and 2 other drabble-ish things

The Pairing Stats: 4x Ianto/Owen/Jack (as 1 3-parter, and 1 one-shot, with lots of subtext), 4x Sam/Toby, 1x Toby/Josh, 1x Toby&David gen, 1x Molly&Andy gen, 1x Will gen, 2x Torchwood-team gen, 1x Torchwood-orgy, 1x Sam gen, 1x Dean Winchester/Tim Riggins, 1x Grey's Intern-orgy, 1x Matt/Landry, 1x Tim/Jason, 1x Tim/Matt, 1x Sarah-Jane/Tosh, 1x Owen/Jack, 1x Sam/Josh/Toby, 1x Huck&Toby gen, 1x West Wing gen, 2x Jack Carter/Nathan Stark, 1x Sam&Josh&Toby, 1x Matt Skinner gen, 1x Cathy gen, 1x Robin Hood gang, 1x Chase/Alex (Runaways), 1x Jordan and the Baldwin-Farrell men (The 4400), 1x Jack/Liz (30 Rock), 1x Umbrella Academy gen (or vaguely incestuous leanings), 1x Robin/Much

Total word count: c75,400. Which is way less than Em, and probably a bit less than a real novel, but not awful. It's 30,000 more than last year, and doesn't count bits of original stuff (finished and unfinished), or some quite long pieces of unfinished fanfic. I'm getting better, I think. Not quickly, but I'm getting there. Which is just as well, as on the 3rd I'll have been ficcing for 5 years :0

Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?
Fic-wise, probably about what I would have expected, although not necessarily in the kind of ratios I expected. And considerably less original work than I had intended, sadly.

What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January 2007?
Robin Hood? I wouldn't have expected Friday Night Lights, but that's because I hadn't watched it yet! I wrote more porn than I had been anticipating, but utterly failed to branch out into more het. Though, as I wrote some het, and a little femslash, maybe I didn't do too badly. Oh, I killed Sam, which I didn't see doing again...

Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
I wrote fic while organising a ficathon, which came very close to ending horribly. I decided that I really didn't care which tense/person the fic wanted to be in, as long as it would just be consistent! I wrote two AUs, which were both tricky in their own ways, but the fact that I finished them hopefully implies that I might be able to make my own world eventually.

My favorite story this year (of my own):
This Wartime Morality, which I actually forgot I wrote this year. I can read it back without wincing, people liked it, and it made its recipient happy. I think it's the closest I've come to a long original piece, even if the characters are borrowed!

My best story this year:
If it isn't the one above, then it's the Dystopia: Stars that clear (have been dead for years), which lacks sex, or much quipping, it's just a fairly depressing story about the world ending, or at least the parts of it that matter. It's also a love letter to a dead man by three men close to dying, and I think it works quite well as what it is.

Story most tragically underappreciated by the universe, in my opinion:
After rereading it cold, I think Seven for a Secret is not in fact a horrendous embarrassment, but a pretty good post-series story. Given that it's a long Sam/Toby however, let's say The ones that stay, because even though I can see the cracks now, it still did most of what I wanted it too, and I love some of the scenes with Jack and Owen.

Most fun story:
Consensus appears to be Five ways the problem was resolved without guns, though I like Four ways things unexpectedly didn’t lead to an orgy (and one way they unexpectedly did) better. Either way, Torchwood team-ness, whether in gen or in orgy, is apparently conducive to fun.

Most sexy story:
Pit Stop, which probably shouldn't count, but I'm fairly sure that if Tim Riggins and Dean Winchester ever met, the universe would explode from the hotness.

Story with the single sexiest moment:
For me personally, The ones that stay, with Owen shoving Jack up against the wall and Knowing that all Owen wanted was to hear his boss beg.. Possibly that should go in the next section... I thought most of what I did for oxoniensis' pornbattle worked pretty well as stand-alone sexiness.

Most unintentionally telling story:
Well raedbard thinks Stars that clear (have been dead for years) says quite a lot about me and Sam and S7...

"Holy crap, that's wrong, even for me" story:
I can't think of anything I wrote this year that was any worse than what I usually write. Watching is kind of emotionally coercive sex?

Story that shifted my own perception of the characters:
Count to twelve and keep your silence, because I hadn't thought seriously about Matt Skinner at all before that. It was strange how important it became to me to define him in ways outside of his sexuality (and again, we may be back in unintentionally telling).

Hardest story to write:
Seven for a Secret, which was a month late, about half its intended length, and a nightmare to get finished.

Worst story:
What was once straight rope. Why are tww_minis always the problem? At least it wasn't Will this time. Normally Sam/Toby/Josh is my happy place, but it just wouldn't come right the way I wanted.

Easiest story to write:
Protégé-Mentor Guidelines. I had just been watching 30 Rock with my brother, and their voices were in my head when I started typing. It helps (mostly) that their voices are pretty distinctive, and it'd be hard to confuse Liz and Jack!

Story I'd like to revise (but probably won't):
The ones that stay, because it should have been better than it was, and I really want to write something great in that fandom.

Story I wish I'd finished:
Westward Look :(, the Torchwood apocafic, either of the two long Eureka fics (the Jack-is-actually-really-smart fic, and the trapped-in-the-bunker fic), the Toby/Sam/Will Presidency, the Toby/Sam/Josh baseball fic.

Story I didn't write but swear I will, someday: I need to stop saying Westward Look here, and actually do it, right? All of the above. And the novel. And maybe something else in The 4400, now that it's been cancelled, and frustratingly lacks an ending.

year-end, writing: meta, fandom: meme

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