(no subject)

Jun 01, 2007 13:56

Okay, still not dead. And I'm not going to say a whole lot more about the great strikethrough. Things were said, things were thrown, and now we all have a whole lot of trust issues. But fandom_counts passed 30000, cat macros were had by all, there's been a spate of reactionary porny challenges, and for one brief shining moment fandom came together, regardless of pairings, fandom, or genre, to bitch about them taking our porn away. Except now I really don't know what to do with myself. I've been spending my evenings, in between revision, refreshing fandom_wank, my flistflist, and the news page...

In happier news, LJ tells me that I should say:
Happy Birthday smilebackwards!
You're now on the long list of people I owe fanfics to. I'd ask what you want, but somehow I suspect I already know the answer! (Mal/Simon, yeah?)

Also, she has a Zoey/Charlie fic up at tww_minis: Rules of Engagement. Her first TWW fic, so this is also a "welcome to the fandom" moment. (Plus I betaed it, but I am unbiased, honest)

Sancturary - web distributed series starring the always beautiful Amanda Tapping, guest appearance by the awesome David Hewlett, and some really gorgeous greenscreen work. Plus the cute guy with glasses reminds me of Daniel. Stargate people know how to reuse a good idea.
TEEN TITANS MOVIE! - this could go horribly wrong. But I love team-stories. And comics. And while Teen Titans is not a book where I'm intimate with the canon, I'm at least conversant. So if it does go wrong I'll feel justified in complaining... Also, my middle little brother (2 of 3) is annoyed that it's Nightwing and not Robin. I have no strong feelings one way or the other on this point.
Guardian report on gay rights or the lack thereof in Eastern Europe. Yet another reason I should be doing something more important than failing law.

And on that note, I have to go and revise. Because yes, I have an exam tomorrow morning. 6 down, 3 to go.

fandom: tv!love, comics, fandom: lj strikethrough '07, real life: news links, sanctuary, david hewlett

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