May 07, 2007 17:09
Okay, done. Did not lie, or only a little. In that I told her I had applied for internships, when in fact I am going to apply to one soon. And some work experience-y stuff. Why will no one just employ me to hide backstage? *woe*
Also - I would like some funny/porny fic kthanx.
Today's themes are early-season X-Files Mulder/Scully (I'm in the middle of S3) and CWRPS. Yes, I'm now going to hell for the sake of Jared/Jensen. But what a way to go. (I would be fine-ish, were it not for my too-sensitive incest squick, and the fact that we're too many eps behind in Supernatural S2. Either one of these is surmountable, but together...)
If anyone would like to write me Torchwood moresomes including Owen, or Grey's Anatomy moresomes including Alex and not S3-spoiled... well that would be awesome too. Really, just something sexy and funny and possibly including more than two people. Recs?
*is finals-revising and so very tired* *is not afraid to use the begging and/or pathetic eyes*
fandom: why isn't there more...,
fandom: questions