(no subject)

Mar 01, 2007 02:25

The problem with me posting fic is that unless I'm this close to falling asleep, I will stay awake just in case anyone's around to fb. Yet another reason me being an author is a bad idea.

So, my laptop is kind of dying. Like, the power connection inside the computer isn't working, so it flicks on and off from mains power. And gets precariously close to dying altogether if the battery's low. I really, really, can't get another laptop until after finals. Which are also too soon. Plus, I've broken up with my bf, and received rejection number 1 from postgrad people. Is it worrying that I'm still most bugged by the computer problem, and how it pertains to my writers block? :-) I'm such a freak, guys.

Questions from raedbard

1. What's your desert island book?
Good Omens. It and Pride and Prejudice are my 'favourite' books, but Good Omens is the one I've read over and over again without getting bored. It's something of a comfort, although in theme it maybe shouldn't be, or not until the end, but again - I've read it so many times now!

2. Is there another Oxford college you'd rather have gone to, for whatever reason, no matter how shallow?
Hmm... my occasional dislike of college is more about Oxford than college in general. And I like its smallness and centrality. But saying that, I love Oriel. Because it's pretty, and has a tunnel. I would have picked it if it hadn't been that I didn't like their law tutor, actually. Just goes to show *glares at own tutor*. Corpus is pretty as well, and John's would have given me somewhere to stay for all years, but it's huge, and far too scary.

3. Football or baseball? You must pick one. ;)
Ack... *sighs* has to be football (soccer ;-) ). I saw Spurs play when I was ten, I think, and it's hardwired into me as part of my family. The Saturday afternoons watching the results come in, or listening on the radio, the biting on lips when it's too close for comfort, the strained silences after they lose (again) a match that matters. Or any match at all. I'm making it sound really fun, aren't I? Baseball made my brother happier than I've ever heard him (we were on phones at the time) but it wasn't part of me growing up in the same way. But that was hard!

4. What would you do on a perfect day? (I won't add the usual rider of imminent death to that question ... )
Ohh... Okay, a real 'perfect day' would be in San Francisco or Boston or somewhere. But I don't know if I should get to count that, because it's kinda speculative, as days go.
An ordinary perfect day... *g* Okay, well I'd get up early, not that anyone will believe that assertion. I like mornings, I just don't like getting up. So, early-ish morning, sun shining bright but cold. Bagels and coffee at home, family in background around me (probably watching sports news!). Shopping for DVDs, lunch. A really good show in the afternoon, in a beautiful theatre, with someone who I don't need to worry about liking it. Dinner out, really great pasta. More coffee to finish, savoured, over a long conversation. Home, watch the DVDs until it's late? Is that too prosaic? I mean, I'd say Boston, museums, clam chowder and Fenway, but it seems more like a perfect holiday than a perfect day...

5. What's the best example of word pr0n that you've encountered so far?
Ah, and now we hit the "what do we mean by word pr0n?" issue. In fic, or in source? Where the words are actually connected to the porn, or just word!love, writers against the world? This is why I don't get along with surveys, always with the questions. I mean, someone wrote the line: "No nouns - nothing concrete, only the redundant adjectives. They all need to be cut although they're so dear to Sam, since now they all belong to Toby." and also "Toby always uses poetry as an accusation, imagery as an indication of structural weakness, beauty as a vice" ;-)
In source-material? I love Sports Night, and partnership with Dan&Casey, "I take the nouns and verbs, Danny handles the adjectives and prepositions. Anything with an umlaut, we toss a coin." *g* Jed: "good oratory is like music", Sam saying: "The difference between a good speech and a great speech is the energy with which the audience comes to their feet at the end... we want it to come from their socks." For words themselves: "The streets of heaven are too crowded with angels". "Be poets" which is both about the words, and about Jed&Sam&Toby. Toby: "But if I didn't write... I can't serve him at all."

I did warn you. That probably doesn't even cover everything.

Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better. If I already know you well, expect the questions to be a little more intimate.
3. You WILL update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

~ Supernatural S2 has started in the UK. I missed it. And so am flying backwards through comms to find fics that won't spoil me (we're up to ep4, clowns are creepy, Amber Benson is hot, no one is surprised by either). Anyone any recs?
~ Also, belatedly, I don't suppose anyone has any Wicked recs? Anyone who wants me to take the step into girlslash OTPdom? *sighs* There has to be one really good fic set in Shiz, surely? Oh, and either musical or book canon is fine, I'm covered!

Recs accumulated recently:
Sensation by entangled_now, Torchwood: Jack/Owen *loves* Twisty and dark and still something of affection. My love of Owen is terrible...

I thought I had more than that, but the other saved ones are SPN, which I'm sure anyone in the fandom has already read. Ah Sam/Dean and your tempting me over the line into incest...

real life: random misery, recs, real life: boys..., fandom: book!love, real life: homesickness, torchwood, fandom: musical!love, whoverse, real life: anywhere but here, fandom: meme

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