West Wing FF: Sex and violence in the mid-afternoon (Toby/Josh, R, S7)

Jan 18, 2007 17:25

Title: Sex and violence in the mid-afternoon
Fandom: West Wing
Pairing: Toby/Josh
Rating/Warning: R for sexual implications
Genre: Drama/Angst
Length: 1121 words
Disclaimer: All belongs to Sorkin and Wells
Spoilers: Set somewhere in S7
A/N: For raedbard, who made my day today. And who wanted Sam/Toby but is sadly getting Toby/Josh. Because I went to the ( Read more... )

josh/toby, west wing, west wing: fanfic, toby ziegler, josh lyman, fanfic

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Re: And look, I even have an icon for them now. ;) raedbard January 23 2007, 19:26:34 UTC
The kiss. *sigh* They kiss, they kiss. Sweet boys. And: The brother-urge, a symmetry, like he is your reflection and twin both. As if you could take some comfort in his successes, if both of you would only stop this shadow-boxing. If you would stop seeing his success as his weakness, if he could stop seeing your pride as yours.
Wow. That's ... them. You get this better than I ever will. And this is beautiful language, particularly the last sentence. Thinky in the best way.

“Don’t go to prison,” he says, and you shove him away from you.
Oh, Joshua. I think I love you right now. (And Toby? Stop being a jackass, kids and everything.)

“And if you lose?” you ask, returning to the topic, Sam being off-limits for both of you.
That made me smile. You know why. :)

He lies back down, head close to yours, still laughing to himself, and you find yourself with an arm curled above his head in something close to an embrace.
*sigh* I love the peace at the end, them falling asleep and the world continuing on. Toby's fondness, Josh stealing paper for a note. *hearts them*

So no, in fact. I do not want to offer concrit. I want to drool over this forever and ever and wonder why I can't seem to write a Josh like yours. :) ♥


Re: And look, I even have an icon for them now. ;) black_eyedgirl January 24 2007, 23:53:10 UTC
I'm getting the worst pictures of Josh Lyman's deviant pre-politics sex life here, you know.
*g* I can see that. (Poor Sam..., you know it was Sam)

Josh's nervous, semi-broken, angry S7 energy is a strangely compelling contrast to more than semi-broken S7 Toby
See? Yes, yes it is. Josh is just falling apart there, and while I agree that Sam fixing it is nice (see Twice into the River) I think there's an interesting dynamic with Toby there. The burden Leo&Jed put on them with the "you are the party" stuff. Toby who does his thing because of it, (running away from it? Or doing something he thinks is worth more?), and Josh who ends up so driven by it that it nearly breaks him. Chah. Hence the twin/mirror stuff later.

Okay, biting? Yes please. More of that.
Oookay. I can do that. (Did I know that was a thing? It seems like the sort of detail I should have known)

I so want my story to be all about this. That okay?
:-) That would be fine by me.

Wow. That's ... them.
Thank you ♥ I love them muchly. Which does not explain why this is the only thing of them I've written. Otherwise Josh just pops into the S/T stuff occasionally. I need a good plot/theme to write something that isn't just the porn. Which this one, sadly, pretty much is ;-)

“Don’t go to prison,” he says, and you shove him away from you.
Oh, Joshua. I think I love you right now. (And Toby? Stop being a jackass, kids and everything.)
*ponders* You know what's weird? Josh and Sam's different responses to Toby's doing things like this. Josh takes offence at things much more easily, or seems to take them as an indication that he should stop. Whereas Sam just keeps being affectionate/talkative, and waits for Toby to catch up with him. And yet I don't doubt that they both love him. Josh is just, in his way, a lot more vulnerable than Sam. *squashes them together*

I see happiness for them eventually, you know. For I always do. I just need to find a way to write them there. Thank you for the feedback, honey!


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