Title: Speech after long silence
Fandom: The West Wing
Pairing: Toby/Sam/Will. (Though its pretty close to gen)
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Drama
Length: 2,500 words
Disclaimer: All belongs to Sorkin and Wells.
Spoilers: Set post-series, so all spoilers thereof
Summary: He has just likened the State of the Union to a live sporting event, and it really is
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I have to out myself as a total dork--I'm one of these people who has, like, a whole ritual for the State of the Union, Innauguration, and really any other big political speech where I order food, watch, and hold my breath for those moments that make you wish you were the person who was able to write something that beautiful. Not only did I melt at the idea of Toby, Sam, and Will having such a ritual, but, as I read this, I held my breath and wished I was able to write something this beautiful.
"Toby did not answer that, because Sam has been left and has done the leaving, and he is not fine. But he has been working for the DNC since last April; content if not happy, he is filling his days. And he is here in DC, with Will, when Will is not in Oregon. So it is no longer Toby’s place to question." OH! I loved this because it says so very, very much without even trying.
"Sam frowned, the way he always did when Toby stamped down hard on the romance of their careers. 'One, I’m not sure that exists. Two, if it does, it has more than three members, and you shouldn’t have picked New York for your example. Three, I don’t think we’d be over qualified for that job.'" and “No. We write for the eighty-six percent of people who disagree with us, because we hope we can change their minds,” SO wonderful because I love their romanticism contrasted with Toby's realism about being speechwriters and what that means.
And finally: "Toby took out his pen and notebook and began to write."
This was just so lovely!! I'm giddy!
Well now I'm melting. Thank you so much ♥
OH! I loved this because it says so very, very much without even trying.
That's nice to hear, because I wasn't so sure about my inventing a post-series history when I wasn't asked to. I just have this compulsion...
SO wonderful because I love their romanticism contrasted with Toby's realism about being speechwriters and what that means
That's my favourite thing about Sam/Toby or Sam/Will/Toby :-) There's all that contrast with how they think, and at the same time an understanding that no one else has. Partnership AND the ability to look at writing from all the different viewpoints is the best thing ever!
I'm writing this trio as well for the threesome round (in fact, I believe I'm writing for you...is that supposed to be kept a secret? I hope not!) and I would utterly hate you for raising the bar so damn high if this weren't so AMAZING.
This is my wicked confession - I'm totally not worried about you writing mine (in fact I'm very happy) because I've read your Sports Night S3 and its funny and moving and in character and I love it. The wicked part being, of course, that I don't think I've told you that. I'm going to add it to my rec page when I fix my site, but I'm still a while off having the time to catch up on that! So anyway - I'm in eager anticipation.
And thanks again for the feedback :-)
Tell me that you throw popcorn at the tv/radio when Bush is attempting to stumble out his speechwriter's words and we'll share a brain on SOTU nights. :-)
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