Word lies. Or else I really am pathetic

Oct 27, 2006 15:34

Yeah, sorry, anyone who has me on their flist, as well as TWW comms is getting good and spammed right now. But I am bored, and have much, much work to do, so what else but LJ would occupy my time?

According to Word, Westward Look is now on revision 156. I have spent 4477 Minutes editing it and - and this is the killer - it will be a year old on the third of November. Now, one, it's actually older than that. The fic started in my head way before I typed anything, and I typed it in the "Ideas" document before it got to its own. Second, wow but this fic will never be done.

It's about 18,500 words so far, and a minimum of 5000 short. I think. But it's really at the point where I want to scrap whole sections and start again. Two parts in particular, but just in general. And the point where I wish I had written chronologically, because the bits I quite like, that I might like someone else to look at, are in the middle and final fifth. And, you are quite right to wonder, what exactly am I doing writing something when I'm only sure there are good bits in sections 3 and 5?

Okay - teaser line
Sam blinked in surprise and disappeared, presumably to find clothes. When he returned he was fully dressed, and somehow looked no less like evidence of sin.
*g* Well that looks bad out of context. In context, not a whole lot better.

*sighs* Just, be wary, all. Because chances are that I will throw a fit and start sending you things. Incoherent, timeline-less things.

In other fic news - Em likes my latest. Which is cool :-). And we were riffing on further ideas from it. So what would you all think if I seriously wrote a complete Sam/Toby AU, with the TV show? It appeals, you see, but I don't have a plot. I think that fic was inspired in part by the sheer volume of really wonderful SGA AUs, that stay true to the characters even in a completely different setting. So I'd like to try, but I think it might look like I was taking it from S60, which I'm not!

Also - I really want to write Apocawing (Em's word!) - i.e. The West Wing as a disaster movie. End of the world, the cards, President and Leo being flown to bunkers, our guys at ground level, estranged fathers with babies (Toby), lovers stuck in the wrong place trying to phone through (Sam). *happy sigh* I'll probably never do it, but it's a nice thought.

And, for those keeping track, the other Sam/Toby post-series fic now has a plot of sorts. And I've also written less than 200 words of Sam/Will, for which I blame scroll.

Finally - has everyone started nano but me?! I have, sort of, a plot, my two male leads, and one supporting role. Who is the only one with a name... (Hannah, is it alright if I call someone after you? :-) She's at Glastonbury you see...) And I know three places it's set. BUT I need to look up: witch-burning and Irish myths at Navan. And possibly Oxford.

And also write three essays by Tuesday, and fill in application forms while writing my novel. This will never be done.

writing: ideas, writing: process stories, nano

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