Avengers Fic: "like catalysts, we make things happen" [Tony/Bruce; PG-13]

Oct 07, 2012 07:54

Title: like catalysts, we make things happen
Fandom: Avengers (2012) or Marvel Cinematic Universe
Characters/Pairings: Tony Stark/Bruce Banner, background Tony/Pepper and Bruce/Betty
Rating: PG-13 for language and sexual implication
Spoilers: Movie spoilers!
Content notes: Mentions of violence on the level of the film, nothing graphic
Wordcount: 5,100 words
Disclaimer: All belongs to Marvel.
Summary: Bruce is counting time. Tony is making a graph. None of this can be plotted in three dimensions but that doesn't mean it can't be understood.
AN: Sometimes I finish fic. I know, I was surprised too.

"like catalysts, we make things happen" on AO3

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the avengers, the avengers: fanfic, fanfic

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