trcunning I got your package! Thank you so much! It is the sweetest thing ever and I want to take it all sorts of places and see how many people understand :) ♥ ♥ ♥
Second, I still haven't finished doing my end of 2011 memes (work. killing me dead.) but here are five fannish wishes for the now slightly tarnished new year.
1) The
Avengers movie to be amazing.
1b) and be critically acclaimed and make lots of money
1c) and for no one to die
1d) especially not Coulson (or Jane, Pepper or Darcy, but I'm not sure any of them are even in the movie, so I'm less concerned for them.)
Brave is a Pixar fantasy film about a little red-headed Scottish girl with a bow and arrow. So if it does badly it will be because it was the first Pixar film with a female lead, and if it does well it will be because Pixar can sell anything ;) But I refer you back to the film description. ♥
3) KStew (Kristen Stewart) to prove all the doubters wrong in
Snow White & the Huntsman.
Badass chick with a sword and sensibly plaited hair. (See also: The Hunger Games not to decide that 'the next Twilight' means that it has to put the love triangle front and centre. Katniss, Rue, Cinna, worldbuilding, later Johanna and Finnick. These are the important things.)
4) Neither Fringe or Community to be cancelled. If you're already watching them, you know why, if not, go watch them immediately (or ask me for more detailed reasons, I guess). #sixseasonsandamovie also #oliviadunham. That is all.
For the heartbreaking end to the Rory/Amy arc not to involve: death, memory-wiping, pining or abandonment. I would personally prefer no heart-breaking at all. But Moffat and fictional women have an increasingly problematic relationship. So I'm crossing my fingers.
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