Yuletide Letter

Nov 19, 2011 00:07

Dear Yuletide Writer,

Thank you for writing for me! I'm sure I'll love whatever you come up with, and if you already have an idea, please feel free to ignore anything else I say in this letter :)

If, however, you'd like to know a little more about what I like, or why I chose these fandoms, please read on...

Things I love:
- ensembles and poly relationships (of whatever configuration)
- found families, birth and adopted families
- AUs or crossovers, if that's the way you want to go
- communication/awkward communications/character-specific means of communicating
- competency!
- women being awesome
- trust and trust issues
- cliches and twists on the cliches
- interesting ways of telling the story/changing POVs or tenses/messing with structure
- earning your happy ending
- holiday stories welcome but not necessary
- slash, femslash, het, gen, threesomes

On the other hand:
- I have a major embarassment squick, so I would prefer that not to feature in the story.
- I'd rather not see rape or non-con as a means to a relationship.
- if you are writing porn, my preferences run fairly vanilla, so I'm less fond of watersports, scat, bloodplay, painplay (though if you read at my pornbattle tag, anything I've written is probably something I've enjoyed reading!)
- I don't really like infidelity or partner-betrayal.

My own fic is here or my recent fic at AO3, if that's helpful to you. Although I read quite a bit more broadly than I write!

ETA: Fandoms are not listed in the order I desire them, nor is length any indicator of how much I want a particular request! Fic in any of these fandoms would make me equally happy :)


Ace of Cakes RPF - Geof Manthorne, Duff Goldman
I would love anything with Geof and his relentless pursuit of technical perfection and how that fits with Duff and his relentless pursuit of cakes that light up, spin, or explode… And how that works well for them and their friendship and the bakery. If you want to write slash I would be entirely cool with that, but I would be equally cool with friendship fic amongst bakery shenanigans. Mostly I love shenanigans.

So, my little brother got me into Ace of Cakes over the summer, and probably didn't intend for me to fall in love with Charm City Cakes Executive Sous Chef cum technical specialist Geof. But these things happen. I don't need slash here, but the relationship between Geof and Duff definitely intrigues me. My love of Geof was cemented early on when I was watching an episode where he got lost trying to follow a client's map and announced, "This map is not to scale. And I'm a very to-scale person." *g* I love that Geof was making architectual models before the bakery, and that he wants things to be right and look exactly like their real version, and wants to do everything out of cake but sometimes it doesn't work out that way. I love that when he's told to make a showpiece he decides he needs to make Notre Dame... Did I mention my competency kink? And he's deadpan and quietly snarky and tells jokes with a weirdly earnest expression.

And then there's Duff ;) Duff who says of Geof ("When I started Charm City Cakes, I did everything... I started getting a little bit overwhelmed. So a mutual friend of Geof and myself called me up one day and said 'Geof is going to start working for you next week.' So Geof showed up, and I taught him how to bake cakes, and he's still here") and once spent a whole to-camera section comparing Geof to a sportscar ("When I work with Geof, my work is good, because like Geof is perfect. And if I'm working with Geof, I can't let Geof down... This car was like Geof. It was so slick. Understated, chill, nice curves, real suave. Just like Geof. Nice curves. *laughs*"). Duff likes putting explosives into things or making them spin, but he's conversely the only one trained in baking, and he's in charge when he needs to be. I love the way the two of them work together, and how amused Duff is when Geof jokes with him. Any story you want to tell with the two of them, blending their different working methods, would make me very happy. (I do know that 'in real life' Duff has just opened another bakery in LA, and if you want to reference that, please do - tell me what it's like now Geof's in charge more often?) Tell me what it was like when they first started. Or give me a cake-tastrophe, or a big event, or general bakery wackiness. If you want to write a crossover, go ahead and do that! (I don't know - a cake celebrating Stargate declassification, or the Avengers saving New York, or in the Bartlet White House? I have a lot of fandoms...) [ETA: Outside of what we get in the show, and the odd interview, I don't know any real life personal information about the two of them, so don't feel like you have to check every detail on that front. I don't need any particular level of 'real' in my RPF!]


Merrily We Roll Along - Sondheim/Furth - Frank, Charley, Mary
This is one of my favourite musicals, and I would love to see anything exploring the relationship between Frank, Charley and Mary, during or after the events of the story. I love things about writing and creative partnerships, and people finding their way (back) to each other, but in this request melancholy and regrets would work just as well for me.

I love Sondheim, and this is one of my favourites (Into the Woods is the other) - it's in the subtitle of my journal, it's the one I plan epic West Wing fanvids to, and so anything you want to write in this fandom will make me happy. I should note here that I've only seen it onstage once (because no one ever puts it on!), and have listened to the soundtrack an uncountable number of times, so I'm not wed to any particular staging.

As I said in the sign-up, writing about writing is a thing of mine, as well as creative partnerships, and the process of making art. Also friendships and their disintegration... If you want to write about the part when they were still good friends, "sneaking in at intermission / To the plays you wish you could afford", it'd be great to see how that was. Or maybe you want to tell me about the part after the show, when Frank is starting to realise what he's lost? Maybe the three of them reconnect, or maybe everything ends in sadness. Either way, I'd just love a story about these three friends who saw the world opening out in front of them, and the ways that fell apart even though they never stopped loving each other.


The World's Wife - Carol Ann Duffy
Anything you’d like to do with these poems, or in the spirit of the collection, would be great with me. I love the mix of characters in Mrs Beast, and the image of these women together, so maybe something where a few of the characters meet? Use a character not in the poems if you’d like, or just take one of the poems as a starting point - I’ll be interested in whatever you come up with.

I really did mean anything with this one, so please write whatever makes you happy. (If we happened to match on a different fandom but you're having problems with the request, this is also the easiest one to pick up quickly. Any of the poems are great!) Pick your favourite poem and write about that one, or get a few of them together, or write about another historical/fictional woman in the style of the poems. (Although it doesn't have to be a poem, obviously!) Like I said, anything :)

Mrs Beast is probably my favourite poem in the collection, because of the defiance in it, and the sexuality, and the way it brings a group of women together. It's about female friendship and mourning the lost as much as it's about her relationship with the Beast. The Kray Sisters too has that community of women, and the period atmosphere it evokes. But I love Anne Hathaway too! Which is much softer, and has quite a different feel to the others. I love them all really, so tell me a story about a woman you find interesting, and I'll be delighted.


Downton Abbey - Mary Crawley, Matthew Crawley, Lavinia Swire
I’d love to see something dealing with the relationship between Mary, Matthew and Lavinia that didn’t end in death or infidelity, but there may be canon problems there. If you want to go AU, it would be interesting to see the three of them work it out with talking; if not, something set before the end of S2 with all three of them, or something afterwards which doesn’t minimise Lavinia’s impact.

So, the story here: I have just finished watching Downton Abbey, having got through the whole thing in about a fortnight. Between season one and season two, I went to Wikipedia to check something and found out that Matthew was going to have a fiancee in season two. Which did not please me, as love-triangles are one of my least favourite story tropes. Only then I really liked Lavinia, and her loyalty to her father, and the friendship she developed with Mary. So midway through season two, I decided some kind of relationship between the three of them would make much more sense. Which is actually my standard reaction to fictional love-triangles where I like all three people ;)

This is not to say that you have to write threesome fic! If you want to write AU fic where the end of S2 doesn't happen and the three of them develop an understanding, that would be cool. But I would be equally happy with something set during S2 which explores the sets of relationships between the three of them. I love the quiet, confiding friendship that builds up between Mary and Lavinia, and how Mary respects Lavinia's love for Matthew. But I do still ship Mary and Matthew, in all its epic doomed glory (the moment when she's singing and sees him across the room and everything stops? Ack, my heart). And the way Lavinia loves Matthew and wants to be honest with him, and for him to be honest with her. I love the way the women of the show, including Mary and Lavinia, despite having less scope for action, often do the bulk of the 'actually getting shit done'. They don't go to war, and they have to live with the (sometimes bad) choices they make, but they still make them. They make things happen and they make the tough decisions and sometimes they do things the men would never dream of trying. So maybe just a fic with some combination of the three of them together, where the woman/en get to change the story?


So. That's everything I can think of. I hope some of that was helpful, but if it wasn't, just ignore it all! Tell me the story you want to tell, and I'm sure I will love it. And then Yuletide will be fun for everyone, which is what really matters :)

This entry was originally posted at Dreamwidth: http://blackeyedgirl.dreamwidth.org/155117.html |
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yuletide, downton abbey, ace of cakes, theatre, poetry, sondheim

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