Holiday cards?

Nov 03, 2011 01:09

Would anyone like a Christmas/Holiday card with a ficlet in it?

These be my requirements:
- a snail mail address and something identifying enough to get it to you. (If you're more comfortable with email, I can do that too)
- if you celebrate a particular holiday or would prefer a non-holiday card.
- a prompt (fandom, pairing or character, word/phrase/scenario, which can be holiday related if you choose, but does not have to be)

As always - I love sending international mail, so no worries on that front. And I will send to anyone who would like, unless for some reason two hundred people end up asking me. It doesn't matter if we haven't spoken before: as long as you can give me some means of getting the card to you, and a prompt I can fit inside said card, all is well.

Comments are screened, or you can PM/email me if that's easier. Please leave your address even if you think I already have it, because I lose things.

(If anyone wants my address, it is the same as last year, and so different to all the years before that. Ask me if you need but don't have, or if you have a holiday card post of your own)

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real life: christmas, writing: taking requests

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