X-Men First Class FF: Learning to Choose [Raven, Emma, Angel; R]

Sep 15, 2011 05:24

Title: Learning to Choose
Fandom: X-Men: First Class
Characters/Pairings: Raven, Emma, Angel (+ others. Background Erik/Charles)
Rating: PG-13/R for some violence and adult themes.
Content notes/Spoilers: Spoilers for the movie, and a bit of comic canon. Notes for violence and for discussion of the implications of interfering with other people's minds.
Wordcount: 3,200 words
Disclaimer: Belongs to Marvel and various studios.
Summary: Five lessons the women of the Brotherhood taught each other, and one that they tried to pass along.
Podfic: twasadark made a great podfic version of this here.

Fic at AO3

This entry was originally posted at Dreamwidth: http://blackeyedgirl.dreamwidth.org/151326.html |
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