Doctor Who FF: Answering Noises in the Night [Amy/Rory/Eleven; PG-13; spoilers for 6.04]

May 16, 2011 03:56

Title: Answering Noises in the Night
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters/Pairings: Amy/Rory/Eleven-ish
Rating: PG-13
Content notes/Spoilers: Spoilers through 6.04 The Doctor's Wife. If you've seen that episode, no additional content notes.
Wordcount: 1,700 words
Disclaimer: Belongs to the BBC, Moffat, Neil Gaiman etc etc.
Summary: Rory hears noises in the TARDIS late at night. He goes to investigate, and tries to have a serious conversation. Post-ep for 6.04.

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