Calling out to beta-land

Apr 27, 2010 01:33

This is not necessarily something I'm expecting a lot of take-up for, but if anyone is in the mood to beta some mostly Kirk/Spock (reboot) in the next few days, do let me know. This would be the fic I have been failing to write for help_haiti for about three months now. The TWO sequels to Taking the slower path (we'll get there in the end) are now nearly done. At least, I'm editing part 2 and gap-filling in part 3. Part 2 is pre Kirk/Spock, Kirk/Spock, and then break-up. Part 3 is eventual back togetherness. All against an Enterprise crew backdrop, as in part 1. So if anyone feels like betaing:

1. The 11,000 words of part 2 and the (probably) c7000 words of part 3
2. The 11,000 words of part 2 so I can least get something posted and stop being mortified about lateness
3. The break-up and fall-out scenes so I can work out whether I'm being speciesist, too pro-Kirk, or forcing 21st century mores onto a future universe

let me know. I'd be very grateful, but also pretty surprised! I don't think I've made it sound a particularly appealing task...

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writing: process stories, fandom: questions, star trek

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